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Belligerent Poems - Poems about Belligerent

Belligerent Poems - Examples of all types of poems about belligerent to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for belligerent.

Premium Member Belligerent Beasts
To me at least It’s become clear We are the animals The ones to fear It’s the wildlife That’s civilized my dear They are the ones That deserve the chance Its simply survival That they romance We on the other hand Have been given to much We...Read the rest...
Categories: belligerent, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Belligerent Nature of Chess
War on a chessboard, cutthroat and intense, Vicious attacks and desperate defence. Battle of wits with such a charming thing - The Queen has upper hand over the king. He has the crown yet as the...Read the rest...
Categories: belligerent, conflict, humorous,
Form: Imagism

Premium Member Bowlegged Belligerent Boxcar Betty
Bowlegged belligerent bellowing Boxcar Betty Rarely rose to the ripe, refreshed or ready She always had an exasperatingly idiotic excuse To cavort and converse on Charlie’s Chicken caboose Eddie’s Enthusiastic Engine was trite and tired. Of these two freeloaders, quarrelsomely...Read the rest...
Categories: belligerent, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Belligerent
Illusions I see in the smoke I feel like I’m going to choke on every single word they spoke; They just provoke, they just provoke; ...Read the rest...
Categories: belligerent, anger, emotions, feelings,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Belligerent Bear Loves His Tree
Belligerent Bear loves his tree; it is the smallest one around. He discovered it himself, it was easily found. They gravitated to each other, the tree and the bear. They were the best of friends and traveled everywhere. Belligerent...Read the rest...
Categories: belligerent, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Rhyme

Belligerent Angel
Belligerent angel hear my prayer. You've farked with us for what is fair. Now hear me say you're one of us. Corruptly wronging all of us....Read the rest...
Categories: belligerent, absence, abuse, allah, analogy,
Form: Quatrain
Belligerent and Bold
Belligerent and Bold What I recently have been told Is awkward being belligerent and bold Love won't last when lies are spoken And love becomes small as a token, Were caught out somewhere in the cold. A Discourse in Remorse Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: belligerent, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
A Belligerent Bernie
A Belligerent Bernie What he did was disturbing by digressing Around with minds when he is messing Now have to understand what he meant Wife looks good in dress they call a tent. In repertoire many things are done by...Read the rest...
Categories: belligerent, humorous,
Form: Couplet
Letter To a War Belligerent
I can apprehend your thirst for annihilation Your appetite to proliferate terror To gratify your alter ego To guarantee your supremacy To drop bombs on beings above suspicion To burn their unique meager crops To demolish their eggshell havens To confiscate their...Read the rest...
Categories: belligerent, war,
Form: Free verse
Belligerent Lives
The time is here for the world to see Just what it has become- A nation under seize and war in which To safety cannot run. Innocent be the children with no future to behold. So young the little victims;...Read the rest...
Categories: belligerent, politicalwar, war,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things