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Believable Poems - Poems about Believable

Believable Poems - Examples of all types of poems about believable to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for believable.
Lemme regale you with splendid and fabulous exuberance
...Lemme regale you with splendid and fabulous exuberance Despite being an amateur paperback writer wannabe, whose storied protagonist stars colporteur wannabe (thinly veiled cover as yours truly......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, adventure, age, america, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Who Made Whom?
...Lean closer, dear friend, my secret to hear. Speak softly, Mr. Know-it-all is near. I am unsettled by his depiction - a poetic character of fiction. It is I who created that sad man, not so ......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, identity, imagination, poetry,
Form: Couplet

The Unexplained
...Every day you go to work And hop into your vehicle Not a thought or say a word About if the job is meaningful You sacrifice a lot of time And try to be agreeable Often sold on common goal......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, business, deep, future, meaningful,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Worthy Of All Truth
...Sadness is sporadic in midnight Love is a nightmare and scary You wake up suddenly In the middle of the night Crying and gasping for truth Only to fine out a dream unsettled Telling truth is ......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, judgement, life, love, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Three Sides To Every Story
... Truth is still truth even if no one believes it . . . A lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it. Unknown Quote in this journey......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, introspection,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member This Shameless Mask Of Coldness
...Don't be hide anymore behind this shameful mask of coldness, I start feeling your indifference; you pull away and enter a fantasy world, where nothing is real to human eyes: don't hold on your e......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, anger, betrayal, celebration, emotions,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Lies
...Why is a lie sometimes more believable than the truth?......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, truth,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member When Words Burn
...Your lies are strong like coffee grounds, but I can't grind them up small enough to make them go down smooth Your presence is becoming more like unexpected coffee stains Unsightly, unwanted, unbea......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, conflict, feelings, hurt, poetry,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Dreams And Nightmares
... Dreams are a window to the future, real or surreal - poet. If it was a dream it was like no other, soft, delicate, with silky feathers the angel beckoned me to an enchanting embrace. I was t......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, allusion, anxiety, conflict, confusion,
Form: Free verse
I feel unheard
...I know I have been on repeat for 15 years I lost all my originality when I was sick and stolen from My guess is it poured out along with my soul and fears chasing after my sanity as it flowed......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, angel, anger,
Form: Free verse
Switch On Warm Fronts
...Uncommon Sun frisks mercury— heat's blight On Winter's frame around tree trunks and boughs, Shrieking frost shattered— melts in her tears, rights. Atypical thaw for this season's height, Where ......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, angst, dark, introspection, lost,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member The Depths
... "The Depths" From the depths silence. Where are the voices of other women? In that other place, the monsters violate, they take and take bloody all, what ......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, children, humanity, women,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Weave
...the tempered veil of years with a weave of sweet and sour can be lavish like the pleasurable return of good deeds take what you learn from sky high places that ......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, beauty, humanity, inspirational, life,
Form: Free verse
Nudism - the Important Issue of the Hour
...It is difficult to get rid of the false self A believable mask has taken years to develop Such safety precautions demand extensive disguising Dear i ask, why can't we all be living in the bare? ......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, africa, art, books, internet,
Form: Didactic
Monologue About Her: Part Three of Four
...Maybe I want to be. I can’t help it I feel like I have some sort of right To be part of your future Even though Your idea of me Is stuck in the past. Would you be interested in me? Who I am......Read the rest...
Categories: believable, farewell, hurt, i miss
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry