Three Sides To Every Story
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Poetry/Free Verse/Three Sides To Every Story
Copyright Protected, ID 11-1687-797-19
All Rights Reserved, 2024, Constance La France
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Written, November 19, 2024/ Human Written
For the contest, Three Sides To Every Story
Sponsor, Silent One, Judged 12/16/2024

Truth is still truth even if no one believes it . . .
A lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it.
Unknown Quote
in this journey called my life I have found that there
are three sides to every story and every dispute
mine, theirs and the truth . . . but I usually fold my wings
I choose home and quietly heal from any nastiness
while the other person may be quite adept at spreading lies
some liars can create believable stories
and the weak-minded will accept that as the truth
when I watch the news it is a one sided story being told
is it truth, is it a lie, what can be believed as fact
my side, your side, the truth is challenging to find
for this reason I tend not to judge people too much
unless their actions find them guilty without doubt
then, the truth will tell the story and there is no denying
most people will believe the one vocal as true
but in truth it is likely the quiet one is the key to truth
it is an endless circle of mine, theirs, and the truth
for life is a circle of trying to exist in peace and harmony
while others are trying to destroy it ...evil sent by Satan
I must be strong to not fall victim it is best to turn away
and be the silent me, healing, in my peaceful nest
while the liar twists an ever expanding narrative to all who listen
do not become a listener of lies who speak with confidence
a liar is skillful at creating narrative ... do not be a follower
and never assume the quiet one is not the stronger one
Copyright © Constance La France | Year Posted 2024
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