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Befuddle Poems - Poems about Befuddle

Premium Member sorry witchhunter
... foil boil royal trouble put this man inside a bubble tie him to a tree give him frog newt tea strangers to this woods befuddle. ......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, anxiety, autumn, fun, giggle,
Form: Limerick
You Can But You Can't
...You can talk down on my name. You can crack open a can of chaos. You can recruit others to do the same. You can try and crisscross. You can send the 'evil eye'. You can play behind my back. Y......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, anti bullying, betrayal, confidence,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member seek and ye shall find our earth life role that we feel blissful and whole we search for our soul feeble thoughts muddle and holy books befuddle with fear we huddle silence sets us free head and heart with lo......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, i am, self, spiritual,
Form: Senryu
Shanquella's Sanpaku Tale
...Eyes! Doleful and lonely as they quietly penetrate my soul In their silence, I can hear clamorous rumblings of a tale that pleads to be told Far-reaching and clamorous are these eyes So much......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, angst, betrayal, bullying, dark,
Form: Elegy
Premium Member All we require
...Life’s inflicted many a scar From God’s light, we’ve drifted afar Desire begets fear, fear desire Love and light is all we require We drift through life, as though we’re blind Shifting goalpos......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, light, love,
Form: Kyrielle

Premium Member How Does One Compete
...How does one compete with a Frost or a Keats, a Dickinson or Whitman for words, how can we say in our language today what we feel within has been stirred. Like those in our past who intrinsical......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Nights Infusion
...Nights infusion bleary eyed rivals in Soho tweed Pharaohs joke was here Denim clad oxymorons with spotlight eyes Archways lean close as sticks befuddle their spark of epiphany A jewelled sil......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, addiction,
Form: Free verse
Life Laughs, Death Waits
...That which thought wrought yesterday may befuddle us now but with the coming of a good day lives can survive the morrow though the mind be confused and heart sickened the sun will rise s......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, death, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ancient Alien Earthman
...Ancient Alien Earthman Captivating galaxies numbering more than grains of sand carpeting a shore Spheres or......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, adventure, creation, humanity, space,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Only Wish
...Kiss me, cuddle me arouse me, befuddle me time albates with seduction enkindle, caress, slowly undress, resist all other disruptions.......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, desire, dream, fantasy, teen,
Form: Rhyme
Tempting Time
...Time, O Time! Rest a while in my arms. Cannot I waylay you with silken whispers, sweetened promises, and love irresistible? Come and drink deeply of my mortal sap. Let it befuddle your senses an......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, time,
Form: Free verse
Hysterical Blindness
...It continues to befuddle my inquisitive mind why many of you have attacked and maligned vaccines, and have decided to become aligned with other naysayers. Are you physically blind? It's......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Eccentric Mints - 150 Varieties
...1. Abolish Mints 2. Abut Mints 3. Accomplish Mints 4. Accouter Mints 5. Acknowledge Mints 6. Ada Mints 7. Adjust Mints 8. Admonish Mints 9. Adorn Mints 10. Advance Mints 11. Advertise Mints......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, humor, word play,
Form: List
Premium Member I'M a Muffin In a Cupcake's World
...Look Just take a page out of my book Call me Captain Hook Because my hooks have you hooked And don't you dare give me that look You know you looked Call me a spook Because they dropped a nuke ......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, fun, spoken word,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Take That
...Little Miss Take would steal anything She’d steal from a pauper, she’d steal from a King Don’t show her a bell if it goes ding a ling For when you’re not looking she’ll half inch its ring Littl......Read the rest...
Categories: befuddle, fun,
Form: Rhyme

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