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Becker Poems - Poems about Becker

No More
...No More By Adam Becker Weary they grow when day turns to night. Their Dreams they have died which once they took flight. They have toiled and labored yet brought to shame. They are many yet ha......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Aja of old talking to himself in this run down watering hole not crazy just lonely turns his head and him I know chief of police when I was young put me in jail more than once now he’s ......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, romantic love,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member All In It Together
...O the chancellor of the exchequer Seems to think that we’re all Boris Becker And under the bed of which little is said A big bag of cash and there’s more in the shed Does he live on a different......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, money, poverty, smart,
Form: Rhyme
Nazi Party In Australia
...They came from Germany after the Great War Settling in South Australia they made a life and more But Germany changed when they were away And the Nazis came to power and held sway Some of these ......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, political, remember, war,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Boris Becker - Bawdy
...Boris Becker misused his pecker He had sex in a closet leaving a baby deposit! Inspired by Brian Strands' poem Becker which was about an artist and my poem is posted with his kind p......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, lust,
Form: Clerihew

Premium Member Clerihew Becker
...Paula Modersohn-Becker,a daring lady self portrayed in the altogether,for all to see An early expressionist,largely unsung dying with a child-bearing embolism,at just thirty-one......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, art, people,
Form: Clerihew
Becker Park
...Your kids are here in Becker Park as the sun is going down, with cash stuffed in their pockets, the candy man's in town. There are drugs to buy in Becker Park, a pill for every need. There's ......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, death, drug,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Canada's Own Genie
...We’re proud of our own They call her Jeanne Becker Her name is pronounced Genie And indeed she’s a ball of energy Not sure if she sleeps in a bottle But she is forever radiant With the brightes......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, celebrity, clothes, fashion, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Musical Passion
...MUSICAL PASSION Music is the living soul And beating heart of humanity. It lights my fire of passion Or tames my restless spirit. Music calls me to live, taste, feel and see. The spark of ho......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, muse, music,
Form: Free verse
Warmth of the Fire
...Saturday evening 6:37 p.m. October 22, 2016 Kansas City, Mo Stephen Becker pen name Brian Stoaks “Warmth of the Fire” The wonder of happiness is thought provoking to sa......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, happy,
Form: Cinquain
It's Just Daddy
...December 12, 2015 11:43 p.m. Kansas City, MO Stephen Becker pen name Brian Stoaks “It’s Just Daddy” My life isn’t suppose to be like sad love songs played by strang......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, miss you,
Form: Cinquain
...Eternity October 4, 2014 Saturday night 7:38 p.m. North Kansas City, Mo Brian Stoaks/ Stephen Becker “Eternity" Lingering thoughts of touching, laughing, snuggling, lovi......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, love,
Form: Cinquain
Your Heaven Part 5 of Sweet Honey
...Wednesday morning October 28, 2015 9:19 a.m. Kansas City, Mo Stephen Becker pen name Brian Stoaks Your Heaven As you come down from your orgasmic aft......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, sexy,
Form: Cinquain
Forever Royals
...Saturday night October 24, 2015 8:39 p.m. Kansas City, Mo Stephen Becker pen name Brian Stoaks ‘Forever Royals” When depression b......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, depression,
Form: Chant Royal
Feeling Your Walls 2 Sweet Honey
...Tuesday night October 20, 2015 8:35 p.m. Kansas City, Mo Stephen Becker pen name Brian Stoaks “Feeling Your Walls” I lift you up so that you’re sit......Read the rest...
Categories: becker, sexy,
Form: Acrostic

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