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Bar Poems - Poems about Bar

Premium Member Irish Men Love Their Bar Finds
An Irish Themed Limerick Poetry Contest Tania Kitchin At the pubs across the Ireland nights It's a clover field under the lights Irish men love to pluck Stray petals with good luck They like the pink clovers in their sights...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, humor, ireland,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member 32 Bar Blues: A Spoken Word Poem
32 Bar Blues: A Spoken Word Poem In the shadow of the neon’s dusty glow, Oh, the blues, got me cryin’/echoes of Otis Span whisper, “Why?” Champion Jack Dupree, a voice so true, I’m lost...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, spoken word,
Form: Spoken Word

Bar Top Review
"Do you want ice with It?" Why not, the deep snow will be more slidable. I rattle the cubes. A snowstorm keeps me twisting and corkscrewed even when at rest. 'Not too cold for you?" I am muffled cocooned in layers of invisibility. My spine...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Bed With My Cat and A Chocolate Bar
*Written for the Ten Lines From Ten Poem Poetry Contest on Poetry Soup My tongue, the warmth, my eyes close again. I breathe steady while I blink consciously, chocolate on...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, cat, chocolate, introspection, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member 3rd wheeling
(A Christmas vacation vignette) Lisa and I choppered onto Manhattan Island yesterday morning. We’d both felt toasted—so we took naps—and yay! We awoke recharged. Later that evening, Lisa and I were at the ‘Elsie’ Rooftop Bar, in...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, boyfriend, christmas, happiness, humor,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Light Within Earshot at the Gas Station Snack Bar
Our oldest light goes by the name cosmic microwave background radiation— CMB for short. She's everywhere: fluorescent birdsong of modern offices, hum of corner store ice cream cases. Have you heard of her? This gal was...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, age, allusion, culture,
Form: Free verse
Lousy Hotel Bar
He lived in room 757 just like a haiku thats what he said to me just like a haiku eesh There’s a reason I avoid this part of town if not for the psuedo intellectualism that spreads faster than herpes at a...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, age, allusion, art, growth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Such The Serendipitous Dive Bar
Such the serendipitous dive bar, a man walked in who was almost missed; “You are destined” he said “for ‘Rockstar on tour.’ Go and dust off that setlist.” “Throw out all those decrepit covers. I’ve got your back let’s send...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, confidence, emotions, feelings, music,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Ladies Nite At Clyde's Bar
News flash Huge bash Big fight Last night Clyde's Bar Bizarre War zone Chairs thrown Snouts poked Gals choked Eyes blacked Ribs cracked Hair snatched Backs scratched Throats slashed Heads bashed Tossed stools Blood pools Ears chewed Tossed food Knees kicked Knives pricked Low blows Stomped toes Dames sprawled Cops called Clyde's closed Foreclosed ...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, conflict, humorous,
Form: Footle
Everyday we mimic the bar for instance the electric wire, the ways, the road leading to the north, the road leading to the west or east or...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Warm a Chair
shlep along or scrounge sashay or percolate warm a chair no one's going anywhere fast warm a chair trifle, wither goof off or hang out warm a chair no one's going anywhere alas warm a chair come along and chaperon in shadows or under sun warm...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Bar Showdown
Fat boys dance with glee As crowd laughed with such relief Basher angry flee....Read the rest...
Categories: bar, business, character, culture, freedom,
Form: Haiku
The next Whiskey Bar
War to go One scream away From murder Art done right Never to fight Conscience of convenience Sand blind cold boots pant rash hair clay mud pies Resident sadists social decay Where there are no truths and no lies Foot soldiers claim Their genocide...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, 11th grade, murder, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member grizzly bear bar
Such singing and dancing! Hardy harly har har We are winging and prancing At the grizzly bear bar The bears are all sleeping For it is February, so they hibernate In March we will be scattering, So we don’t end up on...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ruckus At Clyde's Bar
Big fight Last night Clyde's Bar Bizzare Tough guys Streetwise Much brew Fists flew Thrown chairs Pulled hairs Black eyes Loud cries One bloke Nose broke Heads bashed Teeth trashed Knives slashed Pecs gashed Cops came To tame Powwow Peace now All's well That's swell Great fight Last night ...Read the rest...
Categories: bar, humorous,
Form: Footle

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