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Banknotes Poems - Poems about Banknotes

Banknotes Poems - Examples of all types of poems about banknotes to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for banknotes.
Premium Member In the penumbra of life, a choir of lost souls dances
...In the penumbra of life, a choir of lost souls dances, Their ephemeral steps leave traces on the sands of passing time, Their dreams, like night butterflies, crash into closed windows, While the s......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Christmas is Lost
...Christmas is now so media driven. Now all people care about are the gifts that they're given. The real message of Christmas has got itself lost. While families struggle with how to cope with the c......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, bible, celebration, christian, christmas,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A town and farm yarn
...There's a little town in Ouyen Vic.'' Under 1200 people so I'll tell you bout aspects; of it sort'a quick! There's Clarys slate bush etching, in three d real fine.! And a little hairdressers that ......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, appreciation, education,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Stricken With Anguished Nausea
...Stricken with anguished nausea Written three years ago tomorrow, yet superimposed (likened to emotional palimpsest) upon mental state of yore recent post traumatic stress triggered courte......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, abuse, age, analogy, angst,
Form: Rhyme
Overzealousness and Assiduousness
...Overzealousness and assiduousness... now propels yours truly towards restitution courtesy sophisticated mountebank, whose criminal mind filched mine banknotes rationed for when I exhibit decre......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, angel, anger, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme

The Lackey
...The young lackey cries For the glorious achievements That featured his past His dreamy head flies Daydreaming of contentment That he's always last His present is bleak With overgrown overc......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, depression, desire, poverty,
Form: Rhyme
...In convolution's twist the puppets dangle And by intellectual snobbery Confound themselves in obscure philosophies Within this miasma of strings Bring thier selfrighteousness to weigh And heav......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, political,
Form: Free verse
Nuclear Sunset
...of course yes... we did everything to get here!!! but now there's nothing left! it seems the gods have abandoned us. governments are slowly gone, because they were useless. families fell apa......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, future, scary,
Form: Free verse
...In my jacket pocket I once found a banknote Completely forgotten In my trouser pocket I once found a banknote Washed to extinction I said I didn’t need it The banknote discretely placed I......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, giving, grandparents, health, me,
Form: Free verse
Dividing Lines
...All the world in fear the danger's presence near the evil that we do is driven by what ever you want this world to be And is it you or is it me can you tell me where the dividing lines begin......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, angel, evil, perspective, sin,
Form: Free verse
Welcome To the Fold
...The homeless slept out in the cold Because all the preachers loved gold Until they could see Its better to be Pocketing large banknotes that fold......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, religion,
Form: Limerick
Wide Awake At Two Plus Hours After Midnight
...Wide Awake At Two Plus Hours After Midnight... (actually, now at present time juiced well nigh high noon same day) On this January nineteenth tooth thousand and nineteen dogged by an earlier ......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, change, fear, happy birthday,
Form: Free verse
Meet On the Upper Floor
...What would the rich do without the poor? If there was no poor to clean the floor What would the rich do without the poor? If there was no one to guard the door What would the rich do without the ......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, beauty, change, emotions, friendship
Form: Narrative
A Song Sent Back Home From the Western Frontier
...Hello people I know I know the people we are the kind of people from here passed out in a shack with a butt and a beer or outside in the road. And the wind cries and drives one of us to his kn......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, life, people, poverty, society,
Form: Rhyme
Why Is Dixie Named Dixie
...The issue's not yet signed and sealed. Three cogent answers hold the field, and no-one knows which is the best. I'll set them out before you, lest the question go a-begging. ......Read the rest...
Categories: banknotes, history,
Form: Couplet

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