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Bafflement Poems - Poems about Bafflement

Bafflement Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bafflement to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bafflement.
A Call
...Attending school was never an option when the empty drum echoes the song of yearning grains, trekking the lanes with bathroom slippers that awaits a welcoming party in the municipal waste truck while......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, humanity, poems, poetry, poverty,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member A Shadow Of Hardball
...Ebon bafflement descended from the Sun-bleached sky; A penumbra of illuminated lies, this world needs to be reprimanded; A joyous ballet of obliteration; Fooled by the doe eyed sweetheart, t......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, emotions, feelings, moon,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme

Eyes of the soul
...The eyes I have do not amount to the things I see. Amidst the blinding lights, I suffer from the intensity of existing. My eyes are merely a tool to complete my appearance. I see what I see if ......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, feelings, first love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member On Christmas Eve- Story Poem
...December came with Christmas beckoning at the door He saw every house bright with many a lamp And the whole streets illumined with colorful lights and star But his tiny hut looked dismal n’ dark l......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, christmas, god, prayer,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Lecten Spring Season
...moving back&forth we each must find our way as bafflement becomes understanding then venture a leap in times of tension something is there a way to godliness as we f......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, christian,
Form: Other

...What others think of it It doesn't care at all. It's not the absence of thoughts but the presence of mind It's not the carefree attitude Regardless, the caring nature It is not the unconsciousn......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, confusion, emotions, peace, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
... When I think of it I actually long for it But am I the only one longing for it? No!! Because for what I long is the world's most desiring thing: Freedom It's the one for what the battles we......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, 12th grade, change, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member You Simply Don'T Know
...You simply don't know what a boy will do; This surely can't be a surprise to you. Few things, less certain in this world, you know: Going back and forth, all that to and fro. You have to admit wh......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, boy,
Form: Rondeau
Premium Member Her Eyes
...I asked my grandpa once…what made you fall in love with Grandma… He smiled, “I love so much about your Grandma…love how much to my life she brings…but I think what made me fall in love with her is h......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member On the Eve of Christmas
...The poor boy heard Christmas beckoning at the door He saw every house bright with many a lamp And streets illumined with colorful lights and stars But his tiny hut looked dismal n’ dark like a pri......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, birth, child, christmas,
Form: Rhyme
Goldibear and the Three Locks
...One day when the sun seemed hotter than hell, at lunch, pre-teen Goldibear started to yell. "Who's fixing my sandwich, who's warming my soup? and ice cream! I want a really big scoop." This da......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, 11th grade, angst, for
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Zoom Meeting Fun
...Due to community quarantine enforcement along social distancing detachment our faculty meeting of task-assignment went virtual via technology’s involvement midst great excitement, anticip......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, blessing, christian, computer, education,
Form: Monorhyme
Side Effects To Life In General
...Sanity is so far from my reach...I just want to sink it down into Havasu’s lake beach...I beseech a sense of belonging in my speech... Isolated in my overwhelming lonesomeness...left behind again an......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, appreciation, emotions, hope,
Form: Acrostic
Throwing Shade
...I saw your cowardice hand time and time again But I studied non-observance in an attempt to mask the pain Why? Why? This was the preeminent question Bafflement met by discernment, now overwhelmi......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, appreciation, betrayal, blessing, change,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member A Bafflement
...Ironic! Greta Thunberg attacked... mocked by POTUS Quite baffling he tells... her to "Chill!" Huh? ......Read the rest...
Categories: bafflement, anger, confusion,
Form: Verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry