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Goldibear and the Three Locks

One day when the sun seemed hotter than hell, at lunch, pre-teen Goldibear started to yell. "Who's fixing my sandwich, who's warming my soup? and ice cream! I want a really big scoop." This day, no one heard her cries for service by twelve-thirty or so, Goldi got nervous. I am hungry, alone; I need some food; someone has left me in a monster mood. She tried unlocking the door to her room blinded eyes saw a note, NEVER PRESUME. What's the meaning of this strange bafflement? The door wouldn't budge, her patience was spent. She screamed, she cursed, and went to the shutters; they too were shut tight, her heart now in flutters. Then she heard a dog barking, BE CIVIL. Could this be a clue, puppy-talk drivel? She suddenly recalled a set of keys in her chest of drawers. Thinking OH PLEASE! "I'll bet one of them fits my door or the window." You guessed it, the keys? locked in her bureau. Starting to cry, remembering Grandma Gray's good advice: "In a pinch, a wise man prays. " Beside her bed, getting down on her knees, Goldi asked for help; God showed her the keys. He told her of kindness, mercy and grace; these are three keys which open up space when we cannot see our own selfish mood. Bedroom door opened, Mom's there with some food, saying, "Dad must fix your door, it gets stuck." Light blazed through the window, signing good luck. Goldibear hugged her mom with one more prayer of help for her temper which needs repair. October 4, 2021 Contest Name: This or That, Vol 7 Hysterical Blindness sponsored by Edward Ibeh

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 10/9/2021 10:38:00 PM
Great Dramatic writing. Congratulations!
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Reason A. Poteet
Date: 10/10/2021 4:17:00 AM
Thanks Christuraj, my granddaughter has taught me drama quite extensively over the past twenty years. She is mellowing some as she approaches a future in nursing and marriage.
Date: 10/9/2021 9:01:00 AM
Congratulations on your win in my contest, Reason:-) Such a captivating piece!
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Reason A. Poteet
Date: 10/10/2021 4:15:00 AM
I welcome your comment, Edward. Thanks for a placement in your contest.

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