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Awash Poems - Poems about Awash

Premium Member awash
lucidity waves wash over until lungs full of vision drown drowning in never evers of forevers without measure of end or tether to solid ground disorientating kaleidoscope images whirl, tricking tunnel vision into the peripheral walking, dreaming,...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Palm History Awash With Drips
Courtesy handy dandy palmar hyperhidrosis impossible mission to defeat except poe wet tickly even courtesy drysol. (Me slippery fingers slither, slip and slide splashing ala Jackson Pollock), sans slap dash experimental, swiftly tailored and harried writing style, yes on par with purging, spewing, venting...unexpurgated, unexpressed, unexplained... words,...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Awash
An endless sequence marching to the shore, the repetitious, mesmerizing sea. The shoulders, tensed, relaxing all the more as wave on wave come rolling over me. Beyond the bar, the deeper hues of blue turn emerald as they pass across...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, ocean,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Awash In Grace
I’m baffled why you brought me to this place You seem to view my past with no concern Your love bestowed, a thing I could not face Now, deep within my soul, a passion burns Unmerited, I am awash...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, thanksgiving,
Form: Quintain (Sicilian)
Premium Member Awash
some souls can’t be reached from here. It isn’t planned that way, it just becomes. doors are opened, doors are closed we seldom see a fish swim backwards more than several feet. perhaps they just tread water until their...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, abuse, break up, bullying,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Awash In Autumn
crisp leaves underfoot deep purple bright red and gold the glorious woods an aged beauty now the joy once my garden as love lies bleeding orange leaf shower campfires scarecrows and hued gourds brisk refreshing air...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, autumn, color, cool, flower,
Form: Haiku
Palm History Awash With Drips
(Me slippery fingers slither, slip and slide splashing ala Jackson Pollock), sans slap dash experimental, swiftly tailored and harried writing style, yes on par with purging, spewing, venting...unexpurgated, unexpressed, unexplained... words, which this Engelbert Humperdinck singer/songwriter, (whose name inexplicably popped into the mind of this...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, analogy, atheist, boat, creation,
Form: Free verse
Awash In Glory
Pristine glory washes clean the earth with crystals white and pure and sparkling Gone is the marring dirt and trash, hidden by blankets woven with silver thread Its crisp icy lacing drips from the eaves Flakes persist, masses and piles...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, nature, winter,
Form: Prose Poetry
Awash With Cash
Awash with a bash and stash of slush cash Ashley lets her mind go blind This propels rebels in her stables to blush Ashley gushes and hushes the unkind. Ashley lets her mind go blind In a jolly gesture...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, poems,
Form: Pantoum
Premium Member Awash With Colour
As I walk around my garden, I note that my daphnia is in full flower it is always my first bush to show and fill my garden with tantalising scent. My Yucca always gives me colour in the bleak month...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, color, spring,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Awash
The mica-flecked granite outcroppings loom, releasing bits of themselves randomly sparkling, as they fall, in felted-light they bloom. Blasted cliffs, yet brazen, they rise without decree, unconcerned with the maples, and the birch, releasing bits of themselves randomly....Read the rest...
Categories: awash, seasons,
Form: Terzanelle
Premium Member Awash
The mica-flecked granite outcroppings loom, releasing bits of themselves randomly sparkling as they fall in felted-light they bloom. Blasted cliffs, yet brazen, they rise without decree, unconcerned with the maples, and the birch, releasing bits of themselves randomly....Read the rest...
Categories: awash, nature, sad,
Form: Terzanelle
Colour Awash
I brushed the world With my eyes so moist The hues she spawned Shed a million tears Whispers abound This was god's own domain My eyes they blushed We are colour awash- (c)copyright-vijay nair...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, joy, nature,
Form: Free verse
Awash the Rain
The smell of rain is near Simply to feel so right Moments nearing to dear Have I no longer the need for sight Simply to sniff is endearing Along with the wind from once a great distance The ever reddish skies...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, imagination, rain, me, rain,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Awash On the Shore
Alone the pain hurts Awash on the shore, beaten Crushed by the harsh waves No one there to hold onto Love seemed to have escaped me Russell Sivey Entrant into Brian Strand's "WHAT YOU WILL" contest 1/12/2012...Read the rest...
Categories: awash, life,
Form: Tanka

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