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Fall Autumn Poems

These Fall Autumn poems are examples of Autumn poems about Fall. These are the best examples of Autumn Fall poems written by international poets.

Premium Member signs of autumn
golden leaves descend
whispers in the crisp cool air 
autumn’s breath is near 

chill winds kiss the earth 
whispers through the barren trees 
fall’s quiet descent


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© Jay Narain  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: autumn,

Premium Member signs of autumn

dew pearls crown beige grass
fawn meadow glows dawn’s luster…
Monet canvas sprawled

gilded leaves rustle
fall floating from tawny trees…
garden path on fire

on the blue hills far
silver tinged...

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Categories: autumn, nature,

Premium Member In the breeze
Feathers in breeze 
float like fall leaves 

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Categories: autumn,

Solely the summer’s heat dissipates,
Temperatures at night cooling daily;
The promises of the ants to gather,
Gatherings awaits the time that so last
Tunneling burrows interphases space;

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Categories: autumn, adventure, analogy, appreciation, destiny,

Premium Member A Golden Kiss
I Form - Imagism 9-18-24 6-20 lines
A Golden Kiss

Summer bows out and leaves a golden kiss
 Maize dozes in mellow aster afternoons
 Orange glows on...

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Categories: autumn,

Premium Member signs of autumn
first taste of cold air
turns leaves to gold expended
autumn casts its spell

mists white-out the dawn
fields are amber, skies are gray
autumn plays tough rules

cold blast goes...

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Categories: autumn, seasons,

Premium Member autumn

leaves get aging spots
falling seeds and shift of birds ~
harbingers of fall

trees go bald and stripped
resemble antlers of bucks~
sacks full of produce

days go diminished
lapse rate...

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Categories: autumn,

Premium Member autumn
the calendar tells
autumn equinox will fall 
half day and half night

red and yellow leaves
falling announce to us all 
the season's changing

first day of autumn 

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Categories: autumn,

Premium Member sighs
We’re coming up on the spooky pumpkin-latte season, when days suddenly end, while I’m busy in some sterile, fluorescent chemistry-lab and there’s nothing to do...

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Categories: autumn, boyfriend, break up,

Premium Member AUTUMN Trio of HIKU
a September preview
snowberries sunbathing..
 a late... peepshow

shades of shadowing fall
sun ,highlights the pampas grass-
rose hips ripening

neath the chestnut tree
flakes of green cover this scene-
autumn blankets...

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Categories: autumn,

Premium Member autumn
leaves fall and settle 
a grim naked tree remains 
a sad skeleton 

the sun drops early
surrenders to a full moon
a dread foreboding

a wee shy princess

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Categories: autumn, halloween, princess, tree,

signs of autumn
end of summer

growth is now halted
the days are growing shorter
a mere hint of warmth

a season turns

a nod to summer
the season looking both ways
prepares for winter


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Categories: autumn,

Premium Member Reaching
Fingertips catch 
fall leaves swirling 
as seasons change...

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Categories: autumn,

Premium Member signs of autumn
grass becomes crisp brown 
leaves begin to turn color 
summer's heat is kissed 

by the chill of fall 
whistling through fields foliage 
swirling up dried...

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Categories: autumn,

Some Say September
Some say April is the cruelest month, leaving
Lilacs upon unmarked graves, grieving
Memories fading and desires, aching
To be filled as the undertaker, undertaking
Daydreams of warmer hands...

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Categories: april, autumn, bird, grave,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things