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Auguste Poems - Poems about Auguste

Auguste Poems - Examples of all types of poems about auguste to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for auguste.
Lost in translation
...Words, words, words. I want to be a poet so bad. But the leters can't make the right chords. To make the melody evenly sad. To flurish it with a spark, big words, ornaments, or some genius. Compet......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, confusion, emotions,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member CLERIHEW ecphrasis XX
...Sculptor Auguste Rodin with two hands* once did begin Placing then in parallel an allegory therein does dwel! ......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, art,
Form: Ekphrasis

Premium Member CLERIHEW ecphrasis 1
...Pierre -Auguste Renoir - artiste whose art ones eyes can always feast Especially 'CUP of CHOCLATE' one which all can easily relate ......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, art, drink,
Form: Ekphrasis

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Crown of Germany's Grand Duchess
...I had never seen such a regal crown It was sparkling full of jewels Looked like it was freshly polished It belonged to the Grand Duchess grandpa said Auguste Victoria, German’s finest queenly mon......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, fashion,
Form: Free verse
...LANDSCAPE Noon time, the star in the sky burning at zenith The deep azure, was radiant with fiery heat Laid on the skyline, its dome calm and serene The yonder river, slowly ran on the grey......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, nature, philosophy,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Clerihew Rodin
...Seriex sculptor Auguste Rodin knew how bring grin So very prolific he did not cease the thinker being his most famous piece......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, art, people,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Clerihew Ingres
...Jean Auguste Domiique Ingres a suptreme draughtsman everyone says An advocate of Raphael his style never changed truth to tell......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, art,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Clerihew Dominique
...Jean-Auguste Dominique such perfection he did seek So precise & mastery of line each painting 'finish' so very fine......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, art, people,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Acknowledgements
...1. John Desmond Patrick Keegan 2. Alfred, Lord Tennyson 3. Sally Aline Mae Beller 4. Charles Edward A. Berry 5. Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce 6. Béla Ferenc Dezso Blaskó 7. Joh......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, appreciation, dedication, inspiration,
Form: List
Loos, France, Fall 1915
...Slaughter amongst the slag heaps Bodies bowed over barb wire Screeching, screaming artillery arching above soon to descend amputating limbs shattering skulls blood and brains splattering stai......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, death, history, war, world
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Soliloquy In Three
...Sculpture ~ The Thinker ~ Auguste Rodin What's life for? "To be or not to be", sums up me: questioning everything. Should I go or say no? Do I fight or take flight? Close my......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, heart, life, peace,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member What America Is About
...What America Is About Liberty Enlightening the World (La Liberté éclairant le monde) Overlooking New York Harbor. A gift from France cast in copper: To commemorate French and A......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, america, freedom, history, identity,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Clown At the Abyss-
...Oh, Clown at the abyss; We’re not laughing at you; Not funny tis true, you're falling This we do insist; a comic entertainer one in a circus, you're falling wearing a traditional costume......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, analogy, anxiety, celebrity, endurance,
Form: Rhyme
Archaic Torso of Apollo: Rilke Translation
...Archaic Torso of Apollo by Rainer Maria Rilke loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch We cannot know the beheaded god nor his eyes' forfeited visions. But still the figure's trunk......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, art, body, god, life,
Form: Sonnet
As Moon Beams Danced Across the Night Sky
...when on a lark, this primate shut his eyes until sight formed slits doubling up as a wink this earthling stared hard and scrunched brow unintentionally mimicking, the familiar Auguste ......Read the rest...
Categories: auguste, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry