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Astrology Poems - Poems about Astrology

Astrology Poems - Examples of all types of poems about astrology to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for astrology.
Premium Member STAR GAZING
Time to take my patch off, I’ve been somewhat wobbly Everything beautiful, everything bright, So much clearer in black and white, No double vision this time, I promise you honestly, During my op visited our galaxy, am addicted to...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, beautiful,
Form: Limerick
Capricorn Moon
Feelings, they come and go. When one occurence hits the core; Memories of the past begins to play. I sometimes had to decide how to begin my day before I foreplay; As it turns out, the outcomes will be...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, appreciation, feelings, me, perspective,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Who is happy this year - 2025
Who is happy this year? Aries, self-watching shows the way you should go. Taurus, you can find the truth you need to know. Gemini, belief lets you keep the vision clear. Cancer, your true result leads you to the...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, happiness, happy, hope, humanity,
Form: Sonnet
Energetic Aries, I AM, moving toward the scales of Libra, I BALANCE Stable Taurus, I HAVE, because idealistic Scorpio, I DESIRE Mercurial Gemini, I THINK, with the archer, Sagittarius, I SEE Motherly Cancer, I FEEL,...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, adventure, animal, earth, planet,
Form: Didactic
The chemicals -Lost Truth
Like the earth and moon collide, In which we stand in a world full of lies. The mind is where we confide, Come with me to the end of times. Where mother nature cries, ...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, angst, betrayal, career, culture,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member goddess of the lion
self-confidence oozes out of her; goddess of the lion surrounded by people, she has the magic touch she is forever truthful, will never be caught ly’n. with Leo personality plus, we all love her so much!...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, august,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member We Gemini Twins
Gemini the twins mercurial creative wildly enthusiastic my identical twin and I both dancing to our own flutes born in May living up to our star sign in opposite directions...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, sister,
Form: Free verse
Aries(cardinal, fire, keyword:confidence Taurus(fixed, earth, keyword:beauty Gemini(mutable, air, keyword:communication Cancer(cardinal, water, keyword:essential Leo(fixed, fire, keyword:showtime Virgo(mutable, earth keyword:fix Libra(cardinal, air keyword:sell Scorpio(fixed, water keyword:analyze Sagittarius(mutable, fire keyword:free Capricorn(cardinal, earth keyword:provide Aquarius(fixed, air keyword:persevere Pisces(mutable, water keyword:empathy All in Harmony: Confident of the beauty communicated in it's essence, I witness a daily cycle of regeneration in life that...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, art,
Form: Other
New beginnings Solo Got here in a Group Part of a Pack Now in the Lead No longer a middle Child Ace of Clubs New ways of Thinking Ace of Diamonds New ways of Earning Ace of Hearts Be still one Minute Ace of Spades Transform or Die 52 cards and I’m just One...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, deep, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Twin Skies
In the logical part of the everlasting sky, Waits the first twin of the reasons why. In the feeling part of the ever changing sky The other twin loves and then stops to sigh. Then in between the middle...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, beauty, heaven, memory, night,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Gemini Me
Gemini air sign intelligent and clever a trickster if she does not like you a lap puppy if she does following you home, loving you until the day you die even if you throw her off your lap and kick her Gemini She...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, me,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member June's Cosmic Parade
°*•***•***•*°*°*•***•*°*°*•***•*° June’s dreams you’re the guide "meet & greet" the ecliptic zoo a must-see! a new five worldless day goes on parade these planets never stand still click on Mars to tune up see Mars square Pluto as it crawls through Capricorn truth freedom and that need...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, humorous, satire, space, surreal,
Form: Free verse
Scorpion's Child
I was born Under a bad sign The sign of the scorpion In late October In the year of the Goat I did my chart once I had five stars In Scorpio Sun, Rising Star, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto Moon in Aeries A very...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, allegory, allusion, anger, angst,
Form: Bio
Premium Member What the Stars Foretell
Here I am Grounded on earth And, my fate Hangs in the stars My future Is predicted by people Who are unsure Of their own fate For them, It is profitable business— They have absolutely Nothing at stake All they have to do Is to play...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, confusion, earth, future, psychological,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Heavenly Whispers
beyond the ken of human race in distant stars in outer space are there whispers we do not hear in orbits of heavenly spheres? is there language we do not know? that planets speak to stars that glow? in whispers such...Read the rest...
Categories: astrology, birth, blessing, earth day,
Form: Rhyme

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