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Assembler Poems - Poems about Assembler

Assembler Poems - Examples of all types of poems about assembler to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for assembler.

Premium Member A I Poem
...I cry between the lines, A.I. verse this will never be. I defy the artificial assembler of words to impersonate, to predict this in living color. Absent from its language database is the driving ......Read the rest...
Categories: assembler, computer, emotions, language, passion,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member I Love You As a Love Sonnet-
...I LOVE YOU AS A LOVE SONNET- I want to fall in love with you more so. My soft sonnet, you inspire me to write. In love I write this sonnet from my heart soul. Invading my mind day and through......Read the rest...
Categories: assembler, addiction, analogy, appreciation, for
Form: Sonnet

...Assembler of Scattered Creations- Gather all souls and making all together on the day of judgement for Hell or Heaven lodgment!......Read the rest...
Categories: assembler, god,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Assembly Programming Test
...I whizzed past the assembler, add count in octal, subtract hexadecimal. Found error in the dump file, all zeroes and wondered, is this an omen? Surprise! write me an algorithm for a full th......Read the rest...
Categories: assembler, computer, memory, school, success,
Form: Free verse
Robotics To Come
...Robotics To Come In the Star online today, there are a few articles on robotics.... From a robotic language teacher to an IKEA furniture assembler.... And the introduction of robotic workers in ......Read the rest...
Categories: assembler, angst, anxiety, community, creation,
Form: Free verse

My Poems Sound So Similar
...My Poems Sound So Similar Some of my poems sound so similar With them other poets became familiar Beyond compare many have been So I wrote same ones over again Have become a great poem assembl......Read the rest...
Categories: assembler, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Splits of Pain
...You know not O my dear soul How many fragments I had Of my whole When you bade me Just before the goal Ages have passed In the effort to collect All those fragments Yet alas! The more I ga......Read the rest...
Categories: assembler, imagery, loneliness, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Postie Me
...I tried being a postie 40 years ago, attacking dogs sorta made me slow, used to drive em off with a big bike slam, postmaster cracked up bout bent bikes maam... and sent me off to coventry, s......Read the rest...
Categories: assembler, adventure, me,
Form: Ballad

Book: Reflection on the Important Things