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Asimov Poems - Poems about Asimov

Asimov Poems - Examples of all types of poems about asimov to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for asimov.

...BIG BROTHER The science fiction of yesteryear Is now here, or all coming true A futuristic view was imagined Wunderkind authors like Asimov Thought much of, and influential So much potential ......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, science fiction,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member This Week
...*** THIS WEEK *** (“If my doctor told me I had six minutes left to live, I wouldn’t brood. I’d type a little faster.” Isaac Asimov) The sliced portions of this week Collapsed, an almost el......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, encouraging, endurance, imagery, metaphor,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Beware the Banning of Books and Speech
...I’m not sure what’s happening in this country…sometimes I think it’s being overrun by fools…in some states they’re banning books…in my state, Florida, they’re banning talking about gender and sexuali......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, freedom,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Stranger
...Stranger I never really met him But I know him I know his face in profile The furrows of his brow I’ve seen it enough times At Barnes & Noble browsing Asimov I’ve seen him Leaving the loft W......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, men,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member my little bookworm -
... home again, jiggety-jog oh, how kindly my castle welcomes me! the pungent loves of earlier meals and my dear one's perfume Je Reviens and Acqua Di Gioia like manna for the s......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, analogy, appreciation, books, fun,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Rest Is Yet To Come
...Isaac Asimov wrote of scenarios unimaginable Robot companions and industry-wide takeovers His 1940 classic, "I Robot," is now quite actionable If anything, a bit outdated, ripe for a make-o......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, future, science, science fiction,
Form: Rhyme
Sci Fi Banter
...Unlike your Mr Asimov Whom I hear likes Rachmaninoff My limericks are clean the point clear to be seen Perhaps he drinks too much Smirnoff! Spelling used is how the man spelt his......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Whither To, Icarus
...How high can we fly? (After all, we must try!) Like the mythical Icarus Can we touch the sky? Yo, the answer is 'Yes.' We've already done THAT Soared into sp......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, flying, sky, space,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Her Nibs
...Day in, and day out, from the ripe old age of five I’ve take to sharp objects and whittled at their sides. Plotting the precise angle with penetrating gaze, the slant of slice, just so nice, as ......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, funny, language, metaphor,
Form: Couplet
The Enemy
...The Enemy He was sleeping when he felt the edge of the knife Cold, sharp, hard against his throat. “I am going to kill you now” the enemy said. “Freind” said the waking sleeper “You ca......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, allegoryme,
Form: Free verse
Charlax Pleas
...CharlaX Pleas Writers have a deadline most people work at something even written work is work it takes some typing with both hands not every poet is an ASIMOV not every writer is Heinlein pleas ......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, computer-internet, on work and
Form: Free verse
Past Descendents of Future Ancestors
...Who was first to write of cultures we read, With their trans-galactic real estate greed? The Greeks were dreamers of heaven above Where the gods and their men fought wars for love. The Asian myth......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, parody, write, men, write,
Form: Heroic Couplet
What To Read
...Read Tolkien Read Howard Fast Asimov is sure to last as we walk omto the 21st century our minds must be free from terror free from pain free to start all over......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, angst, art, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme
Familiar Spirit
...I was walking down the streets one day Through lanes so dark and still When a sudden light lit up the way And I found my body thrill. The shadows on the walls were dark My riot thoughts couldn......Read the rest...
Categories: asimov, angst, confusion, imagination, introspection,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry