A walk in the jungleWalk through the jungle, and realize how calm and silent the day can be.
Creatures of every kind roam, big and small, venomous and dangerous—each defined by their nature. Yet peace still exists.
Recently—in times of growth,...
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adventure, animal, art, confidence,
Form: Free verse
Haiku SongHaiku songs sounds like blues
Splashing in a muddy pool
White rain with no umbrella
Knowing Mother Nature is clever
Gracing animals with furry coat
Except for man woman you know
Howling at the moon on the hill
Like a cherry...
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animal, appreciation, art, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Digital art philosophymaking art real
making real art
with no
ochre, lapis lazuli,
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Form: Free verse
ART just my opinion N
Form: Alliteration
ART REP-AR-TEE monstich A
Form: Epigram
Each Star Has A Pattern All Of It’s OwnA gold sailboat for souls
Each star is marked
The celestial embodiment
Of hazel hope floating
Empowered by heavenly heart
Silvery universal art
Illuminating onyx sky so dark
Read by those inclined to see
More than most humanly possible
A joyful...
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appreciation, art, heart, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Her mind works in Living ColorsVan Gogh Thoreau Wadsworth Coleridge Poe Miro
Their words and art surrounded her mind in living colors
She worked her design into a vibrant office and studio
Others said they could never have done it; she wondered why
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Form: Free verse
definitely juried inThe swirls in the painting were thickly slathered onto the canvas
Would they ever dry? The artist was unconcerned.
Concentrating on the creative process, not the technicality of his art.
The art teacher was amazed at the beauty...
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Form: Free verse
Where Happiness is HiddenIs there happiness in the finite?
Of course not.
How could there be?
Like a cup too small for the ocean,
like a clock chasing its own hands,
like love letters
crumpling at the edges,
their ink fading into longing.
if we must...
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art, celebration, emotions, happiness,
Form: Free verse
Ode to the Hidden TapestryIt seems my thoughts have been
buzzing a long my skin,
a hollow being filled
with a sense of connection I had
fought for too long.
For being too much-
not enough-
always an in...
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absence, art, deep, devotion,
Form: Free verse
Riddle - Mar 29I’m as a dare—If just you’ll come along,
and give my noble providence a shot,
seeing what boundless bounty might be got,
you’ll sing me a river, cry me a song.
So if you trust that I can do...
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allegory, art, metaphor, muse,
Form: Italian Sonnet
UnobtainableYou catch me looking in your eye
And my hands are on your side
You say “I love you”
I start ing choking
Somewhere in the sky there was a voice who kept on talking
For a long...
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anger, angst, art, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme
a brief visitA brief visit
I sat trying to write
A poem of love
Yes, once Love hit me hard
I sensed someone
Standing beside my chair
Yes, it was her
Twenty years had gone
She looked the same
She smiled with eyes of love
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absence, april, art,
Form: ABC
Night By NightI am a soul of a merchant
And I am a spirit of love
My food is red wine and bread
My spirit flies high above
Trade is a peaceful thing
My love is eternal and true
Love is a pair...
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art, bereavement, loss, love,
Form: Rhyme
My TattoosMy skin tells a tale, no shame, no regret/
Ink etched in darkness, paths firmly set/
Each mark a whisper, Occult and profound/
Symbols of magic, where shadows abound/
The inverted cross, a forearm's creed/
A testament to journey, to...
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appreciation, art, confidence, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Specific Types of Art Poems
Definition | What is Art in Poetry?
Poems Related to Art
craft, profession, dexterity, artistry, knowledge, adroitness, ingenuity, mastery, facility, trade, imagination, know how, aptitude, expertise, inventiveness, knack, method, virtuosity, craftsmanship, guile, duplicity, artfulness, deceit, artifice, craftiness