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Arlene Poems - Poems about Arlene

Arlene Poems - Examples of all types of poems about arlene to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for arlene.
Premium Member Female Footle Slang Names: Part 1
...No Alice in Wonderland Callous Alice Sacrificial Lamb Blame me Amy Fan of the Panda Bear Andie Pandie Miss Hollywood Star Queen Arlene The Trifling One Petty Betty ......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, girl,
Form: Footle
Hope Lies Everywhere
...Hope is a bird Soaring through the air Perched on the tree of life Cutting through the clouds; Of darkness and despair  Hope is an ant A little tiny thing But able to carry lots of weight; ......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, 3rd grade,
Form: Free verse

Hope Lies Everywhere
...Hope lies Everywhere Hope is a bird Soaring through the air Perched on the tree of life Cutting through the clouds; Of darkness and despair  Hope is an ant A little tiny thing But able to......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, 3rd grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Acknowledgements
...1. John Desmond Patrick Keegan 2. Alfred, Lord Tennyson 3. Sally Aline Mae Beller 4. Charles Edward A. Berry 5. Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce 6. Béla Ferenc Dezso Blaskó 7. Joh......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, appreciation, dedication, inspiration,
Form: List
No Strong Storm
...Have a blessed birthday, Arlene, The ocean is quiet and calm; The skyway above is serene, No strong storm from the sea will come. Topic: Birthday of Arlene Cariño (March 12)......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, birthday,
Form: Quatrain

As Dawn Arrives
...A-crostic R-egards L-et E-ssential N-ote E-mploy L-ovely L-ines A-bout N-atal T-opic A-s D-awn A-rrives Topic: Birthday of Arlene G. Llantada (January 17) Form: Vert......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Covid - 19
...COVID -19 Irrespective of what your size is You are not immune to Coronavirus So stay at home is sound advice As you may lose at the throw of the dice Man, woman or child, it does not care So d......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, anxiety, encouraging, health, poetry,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Wishing To Arlene
...I was not witness the night of your arrival That night your majestic mother suffered in motherly pains I did not see the starry sky that evening Under the sky you came to earth I didn't see t......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, birthday,
Form: Free verse
In Noble Objective
...A-uthor R-ightfully L-ets E-very N-ame E-mploy C-omposition A-bout R-apture I-n N-oble O-bjective Topic: Birthday of Arlene Cariño (March 12) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
About Message of Rapture
...A-uthor R-ightfully L-ets E-veryone's N-ame E-mploy V-erse I-n L-iterary L-ines A-bout M-essage O-f R-apture Topic: Birthday of Arlene Villamor (December 17) Form: Vertical Monocr......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Eventually Lived
...A-uthor R-ightfully L-ets E-xpression N-icely E-mploy G-reetings A-s B-irthday R-emembrance I-s E-ventually L-ived Topic: Birthday of Arlene Gabriel (January 13) Form: Vertical Mon......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Enjoy the Important Note
...A-nother R-eader L-ets E-yes N-icely E-njoy T-he I-mporrant N-ote D-elightfully U-nderstanding G-od A-lmighty's N-ame Topic: Birthday of Arlene Tindugan (July 29) Form: Vertical M......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Letting One Poem Endorse Zest
...A-wesome R-apturous L-ine E-mploys N-ifty E-xcellence L-etting O-ne P-oem E-ndorse Z-est Topic: Birthday of Arlene F. Lopez (July 27) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Radiant Light Erases Night
...A-nother R-adiant L-ight E-rases N-ight E-ndorsing V-iew I-n L-ovely L-ife A-s M-orn O-pens R-ays Topic: Birthday of Arlene Villamor (December 17) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
The Night Rabbie Visited Me
...THE NIGHT THAT RABBIE VISITED ME One night in spring I couldn't sleep I heard knocking on the door I got out of bed, walked to the window to have a peep ..what I saw made me gasp, and nearl......Read the rest...
Categories: arlene, fantasy,
Form: Prose Poetry

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