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Aphoristic Poems - Poems about Aphoristic

Aphoristic Poems - Examples of all types of poems about aphoristic to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for aphoristic.

Aphoristic Humor - Maybe - By Doctor Deo
Your Face: The face you have before age 40 is what Nature and genes gave you; the face you have after 40, is what you gave yourself!...Read the rest...
Categories: aphoristic, anger, emotions, environment, fear,
Form: Didactic
Aphoristic Connotation
C-oncise L-ine A-bout R-apturous I-dea S-imply S-tands A-gainst D-iffuse E-xpression L-etting A-phoristic C-onnotation R-ightfully U-se Z-est Topic: Birthday of Clarissa B. Dela Cruz (July 20) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: aphoristic, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

An Aphoristic Self-Portrait
As a writer, people are my vocation. As for humanity, men, women And other abstractions, Their interests constitute little more Than my hobby; I can only deal in people. As soon as I start dealing...Read the rest...
Categories: aphoristic, celebrity, me, mirror, people,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

A Strand of Aphoristic Brian
A Strand of Aphoristic Brian Brian Strand has no business, “knowing he”. Writing Ekphrasis flowing poetry His poetry is hypothetical ...Read the rest...
Categories: aphoristic, satirepoetry,
Form: Grook
Aphoristic Style
May your sparking soul be as fruitful Copyright McCuen 2009...Read the rest...
Categories: aphoristic, philosophy
Form: Free verse

Aphoristic Style
Paradoxes, Analogies, Parables within the Proverbial Word Copyright McCuen 2009...Read the rest...
Categories: aphoristic, on writing and words
Form: Free verse
Aphoristic: My soft Nocturne Realm ensconced Copyright McCuen...Read the rest...
Categories: aphoristic, fantasy, imagination, nature
Form: Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things