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Annealed Poems - Poems about Annealed

Annealed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about annealed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for annealed.

Winter, and All Hangs by a Thread
... Black thorns amid snatching twigs form sky-torn nests, where deep red berries hang from dark bones. Autumn tracks have settled into annealed ruts, those static waves of the fridged and f......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, poetry,
Form: Free verse
...Rounds by Michael R. Burch Solitude surrounds me though nearby laughter sounds; around me mingle men who think to drink their demons down, in rounds. Now agony still hounds me though else......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, addiction, birth, drink, drug,
Form: Rhyme

L Or R
...The Republicans have revealed "The Donald" has completely healed! He was deranged The climate changed And now his e?ection's annealed!......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, humor,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Kiss the Pride
... Steely conceit, low-grade manufactured lies Stolen property: iron crowbar kiss the tinted window glass before the face paint dries Idol chassis things rolling off the conveyor belt ......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, allusion, metaphor, psychological, word
Form: Dramatic Verse
Cosmological Fantastical Imemorial Lil Opus
...aswirl within tremendous maelstroms universal united uninhabitable cauldron tempered with analogous: outrageous, portentous thunderous cacophony in tandem with thick mucilaginous fog metaphor......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Epic

Premium Member Senryu 2
...the heart annealed in velvet convulsions~ first love......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, heartbreak,
Form: Senryu
Old Homestead
...seen from the highway traversing backroads in central south dakota the framework of an old homestead a carapace more than a structure in the distance gnarled limbs held rusted barbed wire......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, memory, nostalgia, old,
Form: Free verse
Spring Impressions
...He realized shortly after seating himself atop of a massive stone on the park's knoll, gazing out over the lush spring-green prairie sewn together by a clear, rippling brook,. that sky reflect......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, nature, spring,
Form: Free verse
First Rain
...First rain of spring. Cold, driven on a harsh northern wind. Welcome. Filling the dry, gaping cracks in annealed soil. Restoring the earth from an unyielding, austere winter. Essential, th......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, change, rain, spring,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Canto Xxvii Hell Transalation
...Already was straight up the flame and steady To speak no more, and yet away it went Being the sweet poet to let it ready, When another, which followed in ascent, Made us to turn our eyes to top......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, fantasy,
Form: Terza Rima
Essence of Life
...Delicate bonds woven into cobwebs of complex relationships, Intricate strings spun into bundles of heavy responsibilities; Confusing problems sewn into patterns of puzzling circumstances, Str......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, introspection, life, philosophy, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Amidst Celestial Dark
...Billy my brother drifts on a plain In my mind I still feel his hurting pain I still see you Billy, seeing me cry Dad it looks like Billy, he's saying goodbye He tell me of places that no one ......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, dedication, lost love, love,
Form: Lyric
..."And" by Mr. David Hart And am I he who time knows not, and Am I he who careth not? For minutes can like hours prey And hours can like minutes stray In my annealed soul your wraith remains. ......Read the rest...
Categories: annealed, angst, me,
Form: Burlesque

Book: Reflection on the Important Things