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Anglers Poems - Poems about Anglers

Anglers Poems - Examples of all types of poems about anglers to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for anglers.
Fish On!
...With a flick of my wrist and a cast so precise. As I waggle my lure, trying hard to entice. “Fish on!” Is the shout, with a voice full of glee. As adrenaline surges, I'm wild and I'm free. ......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, fish, mental health, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ode to the Largest Lakes of Maine
...Moosehead, mother of Maine’s many lakes fed by Moose River’s flowing tears. Overlooked by Kineo’s cliffs, with Kennebec you share your gifts. Sebago Lake, your bowels deep with waters fresh, q......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, adventure, environment, fish, fishing,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member For Water Has No Conscience
...The rapids slow churning, struggling Cling to the sharp-edged stones Dart through cracks and crevices To no avail For water has no conscience Winter ice may give it hope Clinging to frosted s......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, river, water,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

tall Tales
...The Meat Locker The largest ice freezer of free-range Texan long-horns where mice wore fur to survive broke down, the carcasses began rotting thrown into the bay. The day after, sharks came ......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, anger, august, blessing,
Form: Free verse
Follow the Jewels
...Bustling town along the seaside, sapphires glitter upon the ocean Buildings made of ivory stones, ruby shingles full of devotion Clock tower of rosette bricks, stand proudly in the centre Chimneys......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, cute, dream, good night,
Form: Rhyme

To thee, departed fish
...Be it planktons ye feed on or small fish Afloat in sea on pair of fins as feet, Whatso waters may have fancied your wish, Perhaps it was lake as your safe retreat From fishermen or anglers indisc......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, fish, food,
Form: Sonnet
happiness is
...Happiness is I this what I wanted, writing for no one in particular a few readers here and a few readers there happiness is in what I cannot grasp. I'm thankful for not becoming what I wanted......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, abortion, absence, abuse, africa,
Form: Blitz
Premium Member Refuge
...Refuge Whither the river flows and finds its way Life surges and ebbs by hunter and prey, There, beside wooded paths alert anglers fish By slow waters where cool willows s......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, nature, river,
Form: Rubaiyat
Premium Member Blissful Water
...Written: July 04, 2023 ______________________________________________________________ A respected river, your holiness sublime. Purifies within if we let your essence seep. From the......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, analogy, appreciation, beauty, water,
Form: Rhyme
Spring Equinox Arrives March 20th, 2023 At 5:24 Pm
...Spring equinox arrives March 20th, 2023 at 5:24 PM Despite what outside temperature registers (even absolute zero), the official arrival of spring occurs, when thee eel hip tic of coe phish hun......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, 12th grade, appreciation, beautiful,
Form: Free verse
Yeah I Said It
...yes I saw a UFO Or what's now called a UAP GLIDING ABOVE THE water Of the river Tennessee I was with my brother We were stoned It is the truth There on the bank About a mile from our mom'......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, family, river,
Form: Rhyme
Riverside Beauty
...Riverside, I was wonder how anglers do sleep on sandy at the riverside One time in my life, I try when I was ten year as trying it At my best though it is was not easily I slept while my hands ar......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, 6th grade, adventure, appreciation,
Form: Sestina
Premium Member Brown Trout - Salmo Truta
..."Piscator non solum piscatur" ("There is more to fishing than fish.)" ______________________________ Brown trout anglers catch few fishes and almost always let them go barbless hooks......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, fish, fishing, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Something Fishy fish was in love with the gorgeous zebra fish her love for her striped mate was blind the two spawned to have their colour merged breed love is love, colours mean nothing, but angl......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rictameter
A Fishing Poem
...Careful Little One Swim away little one Do not stop and look That thing hanging on the line Is Shorty’s fishing hook I know it looks inviting But baby you will learn That you would rather sk......Read the rest...
Categories: anglers, fish, fishing,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry