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Amplifies Poems - Poems about Amplifies

Amplifies Poems - Examples of all types of poems about amplifies to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for amplifies.
Within Slumber Time
...Within Slumber Time Once again awake at night Peaceful sleep, out of sight Monkey mind, such a fight Faded memoirs lost in flight Queries race within my mind Seeking answers hard to find ......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, anxiety, sleep,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Crystalline Rimas Dissolutas
...I’m unbothered by cold within you, comforted and calm in a stark light; Jet-fueled by that taste of clarity, the knowledge you remain in control. My soul amplifies crystalline blue, maniacal g......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, angst, blue, color, emotions,
Form: Other

What is Biochemistry?
...Biochemistry—the chemistry of life’s design, Where molecules dance, interlink, and align, A bridge between cells, atoms, and earth, Defining each process, from death to birth. From cells to tissu......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, literature, poems, poetry, science,
Form: Didactic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Just One Hit
...Lost inside of a sexy playlist, made out with a one hit wonder boy; Vintage crooning with a virgin twist; Record for an intimate convoy, the first track behind a one night stand; I relented an......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, emotions, feelings, music, romance,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member Stalingrad I
...As gods go forth to set the world a fire ‘tis ego that consumes the despot mind. While domination seeks its epic spire, the raging wars from east to west align. ‘Tis mere despite that veils a wai......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, world war ii,
Form: Crown of Sonnets

Premium Member Who Am I?
...Am I the laughter that fills the room, lifting spirits high and chasing away all gloom? The sound of joy echoing through the air, contagious and infectious, bringing smiles everywhere. I speak, and t......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, confusion, creation, emotions, how
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member nothing to report
...nothing much to report except renewal continual of vibrant stillness that betwixt bliss beats enlivens presence with the flow of soma nectar dripping through nadis bringing thus to life d......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lilith
... Oh, Lilith, circled by that vicious snake and draped by owl wings as a feathered shawl; hair crowned with spiraled horns for evil sake- of which the snake itself seems to appall. Oh, ......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, evil, myth,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member The spiritual journey is not a career or a success story
...The spiritual journey is not a career or a success story, But a series of humiliations of the false self, like a dance of the eclipses. It's a time of change, a network of somber moments and dazzli......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member When Silence Speaks
...Amidst cruelty, bigotry, and hate, silence amplifies a crocodile tear. The sound silence makes can influence fate; it speaks loudest in the presence of fear. You observe a drunk abusing......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, anger, angst, anxiety, fear,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Battle of Britain I
...As aspiration seeks to take its toll, your mass flotilla salvaged sons of war. ‘Twas but a feat the angels will extol though Satan’s army rallies at your door. Your youthful fit have vowed to ser......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, world war ii,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member On the silver sea, under the clear moonlight, I venture forth
...On the silver sea, under the clear moonlight, I venture forth, In search of songs lost in the depths of time, The moon, my silver guide, draws my path among the waves, Towards a melody that ......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Transcendental
...I sit surrounded by books and blankets, left free to run scorched ideas go wild; You feed a poet on stars and rockets, set a fire inside leaving them beguiled; Gravity’s strong as it tries to......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, emotions, feelings, poetry, writing,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Wading
... And here I am, jeans rolled up to the knees, barefoot, wading the shallows with arguments tugging at my feet, pulling me out as if answers were waiting beyond where the water lifts into b......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, song, sunset, water,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In the Hush of My Sanctuary
...In my sanctuary’s hush where Poe’s tales I clasp Into his world I plunge with a breath, a rasp. Beneath the creaking floorboards a heart's pulse In my mind, my mind, oh it throbs and gasps......Read the rest...
Categories: amplifies, death, fear, halloween, heart,
Form: Rhyme

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