Who Am I?
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Am I the laughter that fills the room, lifting spirits high and chasing away all gloom? The sound of joy echoing through the air, contagious and infectious, bringing smiles everywhere. I speak, and the room comes alive, vibrant, and animated as it thrives.
Or am I the silence that brings a sense of gloom, a heavy weight that hangs in the room? The absence of laughter, a vacuum of sound, leaving an eerie stillness around. It creeps into hearts, causing unease, an ambiance that’s hard to appease.
When laughter fills the room, it reverberates with energy and life. It lightens the atmosphere, lifting burdens and strife. Faces light up, and eyes sparkle with delight, as the sound of joy takes flight. It creates connections, bridges gaps, and brings people together, erasing traps.
When silence lingers, it stifles the mood. It casts a shadow, like a dense fog that broods. The room feels heavy, as if time stands still, and the absence of sound amplifies every little ill. This eerie calmness can be uncomfortable, an emptiness that leaves us restless.
But perhaps I am both the laughter and the silence, intertwined in a delicate balance. Like yin and yang, both are necessary, shaping the emotions we experience each day. without laughter, we’d never know genuine joy, and without silence, we couldn’t appreciate the noise.
So, am I the laughter that fills the room, or the silence that brings a sense of gloom? I am both, for in the symphony of life, both have their role to play, painting the emotions that color our day.
Copyright © Sherry Beck | Year Posted 2024
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