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Addled Poems - Poems about Addled

Addled Poems - Examples of all types of poems about addled to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for addled.

the dreaded blank page silent voice listening pensive quill awaits...Read the rest...
Categories: addled, inspiration,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Dance of Minions
Window dressings pasted tightly moisture frames their presence barely lit by cigarettes passing outside in while I sit watching the random dance of minions scattered strains of sound music plays somewhere, I can’t.... head longs for sleep now, childlike,...Read the rest...
Categories: addled, inspiration,
Form: Blank verse

Restlessness, impulsiveness, loquaciousness, compulsiveness, distracted inattentiveness and tangent railway tracks. Complexities, anxieties and dopamine deficiencies. Instant gratification please, relief for my synapse. Procrastination, wired sensation, biochemical frustration, forget to take my medication. Frontal lobe relapse. Rapid heartbeat, fidgety feet, hypervigilant, unable to sleep, central nervous system...Read the rest...
Categories: addled, anxiety, emotions, feelings, fun,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

He Was Addled
Numpty Dumpty sat on a wall, his brain, addled. Not thinking, he turned and had a fall, in the King's castle courtyard he puddled. All the Kings men on horses saddled, got off their steeds and in Humpty...Read the rest...
Categories: addled, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Knackered Nonsense
(to be read out loud) I'll eat the nibble naggle nooky nickel nipple nappy mum mum mum I'll chew your gooble gobble giggle gaggle gimpy grampa's gum gum gum. I'll call the wimpy wappy wiggle waggle wacky wobble wum wum wum I'll...Read the rest...
Categories: addled, humor, imagination, nonsense, silly,
Form: Rhyme

time don't deny, the world awry, in sadness struggles on, the addled brains, accursed. remains, till no one knows the why. Don...Read the rest...
Categories: addled, adventure,
Form: Ballad
Addled Longing
Sweet pain within the soul to be around peeps assorted… Seems would never be filled with the heart unloved… It makes no odds if I heed you with some desire… Making a point I turn up to be...Read the rest...
Categories: addled, dream, heart, lost, lost
Form: Rhyme
My Mind Is Addled
Submitted for contest: INSIDE MY HEAD - for "OLD" poets only - ; September 14, 2015 Haibun---Old Minds confusion, dream, how i feel, memory, nostalgia, MY MIND IS ADDLED My senior mind is game to...Read the rest...
Categories: addled, confusion, dream, how i
Form: Haibun
This that addles the brain is not of opium or some such stuff It has a special recipe : Stardust and cuckoo eggs slowcooked in the bile that rose in Cain flavored with Phoenician almonds chilled in the eyes of ...Read the rest...
Categories: addled, sad
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry