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Absently Poems - Poems about Absently

Absently Poems - Examples of all types of poems about absently to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for absently.
The Rain
...I f*cking love the rain. Storms are even better. I love to hear of your canceled plans As you stand there, getting wetter I adore the miserable faces it brings To everyone but me I ......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, angst, depression, funny, garden,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Navigator's Dream
...It’s got to be routinish, I presume The sun was glinting on the captain's polished rudder The banks of Avon, clenched in gorgeous summer bloom Spread silence, with its permanent cicadas We've rea......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, dream, mystery,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Key
... As dreams fall away, Leaving the softest memories, Delicate as the newborn babe, Who lights the soul with his smile, And, lets the joy seep through the nights. As morning whispers its grac......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, appreciation, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Tomorrow
...TOMORROW Tomorrow keeps on Lifting her delicate hand And flipping back strands of Her colored, cherry-brown hair, Which hang alonside her neck… Grown long enough to just touch ......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, hair, humanity, imagery, imagination,
Form: Prose Poetry
No Reply
...NO REPLY...Read the rest...
Categories: absently, love, proposal,
Form: Quintain (Sicilian)

Thoughtful Jazz
...THOUGHTFUL JAZZ Here I am, floating in a melodic mist As if notes descend just to be kissed Imagination’s gates are now wide open And waiting expectantly for inspiration A lone muted trumpet s......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, blue, music,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Crooked Tree
...Crooked Tree, there’s so much of you in me. I whisper to the wind my confession. This heart of mine is quite GRIM and GLOOMY. Of FEELINGS; not one goes without question. WISTFUL; I reach beyond......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, anxiety, character, deep, depression,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Overseas Visitor
...I sat alone by the sea when a snail waved to me. She politely asked “Is this seat free?” “Why yes,” I said, “ certainly.” “I've traveled forth all lifelong seeking somewhere to belong. I've s......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, animal, cute, environment, metaphor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Coffee Is Important
...My roommates are all up and about. It’s finals week and everyone is hustling about. Lisa came in from an early exam, it was snowing lightly, she looked right at home. “How’d it go?” I quizzed. “E-......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, school, snow, student, teen,
Form: Free verse
Etty Kett
...Who the hell is Etty Ket To keep interfering in my life? I keep hearing its not Etty Ket From my very soon to be wife. I bet she was a Victorian With a long pointy nose Red flanellette bloomers......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, culture, nonsense, perspective, satire,
Form: Rhyme
Photograph 3: Rain
...Photograph 3: Rain Dancing in the rain umbrellas twirl, not a care Chilly rain dampened hair Clothes cling suggestively to the skin Under dark skies, lightning flickers Flashes, distant rumbl......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, allegory, allusion, analogy, art,
Form: Free verse
Photograph 1: Arclight
...the sodium arc light hums into the frosted night Bathing all in acidic sickly amber that of a toxic wound, splashing through the skeletal trees the snow flies on invisible currents snow ......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, allegory, allusion, analogy, angst,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Silent Spaces Sacred
...I'm noticing you're not noticing I'm starting to look for what you've already heard with anticipation overpowering my internal anxious voice with calm and kind compassion When Other disharm......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, anxiety, appreciation, earth, health,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Under the Mystery
...The streets are vacant under the mystery rain gently falling as I gaze into the cold blue depth of a fluorescence-lit street Languishing… Under blaring lamps, the hardtop black flickers wet fro......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, adventure, allah, allegory, allusion,
Form: Free verse
This Inferno of Silence
...We cast Long shadows into the past. They cover buried things of something vast. They cover the bones of things better left unknown. Optic vision fires flair and cracks at the revelations. I......Read the rest...
Categories: absently, allegory, allusion, analogy, angst,
Form: Free verse

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