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Abdominal Poems - Poems about Abdominal

Abdominal Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abdominal to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abdominal.
Filched formerly anatomical slender man me! Thus I take a pot belly stance!
...Filched formerly anatomical slender man - me! Thus I take a pot belly stance! Absolute zero escape velocity gutted dance sing days (contra and square), cuz metabolic full abundance abdominal a......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member - New Years Goal -
... New year, new goal. Laughter, a goal that provides many benefits. A wellness challenge. It makes the brain swim in dopamine. Is mo......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, body, humor, new year,
Form: Free verse

My Abdomen
...My Abdomen A great amount has been recorded about my 17-year-old abdomen. My pale stomach and intestines talk a great deal and sleep much less. I shut them up and keep them awake by dri......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, humor,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

February 27th, 2018 literary tinkering rejiggered October 11th, 2024
...February 27th, 2018 literary tinkering rejiggered October 11th, 2024 I believed fortune cookie maxim cryptic message couched Apple Macbook Pro update process alternately titled “markedly a L......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, absence, abuse, adventure, allegory,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Mother's Love
...A Mother's Love Do you ever wonder at the love Mother's contain in their hearts? What will we not do for our offspring? Allow me to tell you about the mother who gave all for her children…...Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, baby, birth, caregiving, children,
Form: Narrative

Blech impossible mission to savor mug of ginger tea
...Blech - impossible mission to savor mug of ginger tea... When the entire mug awash with floating leavings by golly by gosh, sipping said herbal brew analogous challenge to eat spaghetti squas......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Ace colonoscopy doctor Kellen Karl Kovalovich
...Ace colonoscopy doctor Kellen Karl Kovalovich revisited January 23rd, 2024 on the evening before yours truly (the one and only Matthew Scott Harris), a stand up comic wannabe, who historically......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, angel, anxiety, appreciation, birthday,
Form: Free verse
Plagued with lifelong lower gastrointestinal Sturm und Drang
...Plagued with lifelong lower gastrointestinal Sturm und Drang Ever since a young lad irritable bowel syndrome in my humble pinion wracked lower abdominal area gurgled and ballooned gastrointes......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, 9th grade, angst, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme
An anticlimactic sexual event
...An anticlimactic sexual event... with Barb Black née Beebee to help set the ghost of little Willy Brandt free (a non German, but germane fellow courtesy Craigslist classified personals of m......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, 12th grade, adventure, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
Fretfully Aching To Feel Fit As a Fiddle
...Fretfully aching to feel fit as a fiddle After experiencing a severe, albeit violent near lethal bout of irritable bowel syndrome (yesterday night August 30th, 2023) triggered courtesy dulcola......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, abuse, angst, anxiety, dad,
Form: Rhyme
Stricken With Turbulence At About Seventy Two Inches
...Stricken with turbulence at about seventy two inches Yours truly issuing a deafening rebel yell bursting forth with such might courtesy cooking under pressure analogous to volcanic upswell, fo......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
...When a Country singer died, people felt sadness and pity. He died thirty years ago and his name was Conway Twitty. Conway sang "Tight Fittin' Jeans" and "I'd Love To Lay You Down". He died of an a......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, anniversary, death,
Form: Rhyme
...Hiccups An involuntary spasm of the diaphragm and respiratory organs, with a sudden closure of the glottis and a characteristic sound like that of a cough. Rather mundane topic l......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, 12th grade, anxiety, blue,
Form: Rhyme
Mother's Day, 2023
...If people ask me if you're still alive, my answer will be no. You became sick and left this earth over ten years ago. Since you died, eleven Mother's Days have come around. You had an abdominal an......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, mother, mother son, mothers
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Timeless
... "Tears, grief, memories and tributes of respect. " Quote by - Constance On a cloudless sunny day in Orillia fifty family and friends gather i......Read the rest...
Categories: abdominal, music, tribute,
Form: Bio

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