Zionism Fever
The Middle Eastern watch
As the Zionist regime tries
To assert its territorial area
Territorial integrity now threatened
They unleash terror on their enemies
Its called the holy land but why now
In the name of all that's sacred and holy
The continuous strife and endless wars
They talk of Abrahamic faiths at loggerheads
Be it though that The Lord is a Man of War
But why is it that us humans can't coexist
Even when our religions preach peace
There are always undertones of war
Call it Jihad or a Holy war.. blood shed
Is still abominable.. when did human life
Cease to have value.. now bombs drop
Then the retaliations are organized daily
Then the entire world watches the fever
Praying the virulent middle Eastern fever
Doesn't spread into the entire region
Praying that 'The end' will not come soon..
Even so the Word asserts come soon Lord
Copyright © Lewis Nyaga | Year Posted 2024
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