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You'Re Heavy On My Mind

It's silent except for the buzzing of the flourescent lights in this deserted classroom. I should be studying but my thoughts keep drifting back to our talk. Is it possible to make time for ''us'' without taking from ''them''? You're so heavy on my mind that the Behaviorist Theory really seems irrelevant. We both know we've lost focus. We admit that everything else comes first. Lifes daily turmoils... Can't we leave it all for one day? How do people do it? Their lives are packed full at every minute yet they still manage to spend time alone together. Does it take a special kind of person? Are we just too unorganized to manage this? If only for a moment I want to look into your eyes and fall in love again. I want to lose myself in the dark mystery of those brown eyes that have watched me change from a child to a woman. The buzzing of the flourescent lights remind me that I only have 2 days to study. You're still heavy on my mind.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2006

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