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We rise in the morning after many sunsets, Passing death, hurdling heartbreak, sloughing regrets Off in the distance we see tomorrows, known from pasts And at last we know, we know its as good as it gets, Here and now, this moment each day a page in a life A lifetime; a florilegium, robust with joy, sorrow and regrets, You the book, each of us stories, each moment the words, But know we are radiating arrangements not linear vignettes And let the sun beckon you to each word, each page that you are And take part in the script best you can, yet liaise with fates behest. Rise with the sun sleep with moon, rise with the moon sleep with sun, Now, create, be, love, soon rest in your days and one day will be the rest.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 6/18/2017 11:03:00 AM
A very beautiful written poem, this really is an special poem, it was really really nice reading it however I m new on this site and would really appreciate if you could find time to read my poems and give your honest reviews about them
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Date: 3/6/2016 2:38:00 PM
This is so! inspirational! Toni, your writing always!, inspires and moves me. A very! poigniant! write for me on this day. I am new to writing, so! many lines I love!, in particular 'You the book, each of us stories, each moment the words',absolutely! beautiful! and so! true, 'radiating arrangements'. And let the sun beckon you to each word, each page that you are', so!!!! true. THANK YOU! Kim
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry