Your Eyes
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Your Eyes
Inspired by Willie and Dorothy Hall
Lovers touching tenderly
no one has to know.
Shadows dancing on the wall
from a burning candles glow.
Love is made deep in the night
so few yet realize.
Love that's not made in a bed
can be seen in your eyes.
Reaching, teaching, kissing too
little love moans can be heard.
Teasing pleasing strong and hard
love's more than just a word.
It's nothing and it's everything
it's deeper than the sea.
The picture perfect meaning
of the things still yet to be.
Heaven waiting here on earth
so easily it's found.
Waiting for anticipating for
the touch of skin so brown.
Love is made deep in the night
so few yet realize.
Love that's not made in a bed
can be seen in your eyes.
Edwin C Hofert
Copyright © Edwin Hofert | Year Posted 2015
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