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You'll Never Defeat Him

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Written on November 27, 2023



In a world where hearts tremble When they’re heard – They feel like they might resemble… Something absurd, Possibly a stardust night, Quiet and fleeting, Soundless as the light, Who, at dusk, is retreating. In a world where souls appear Lost amid the shadows – Are they lost in troubled fear? Still, there was One who arose, Yes – we know Him as the Son, More perfect, Shining brighter than the sun, With more love than I could depict! In a world where doubts inhibit, Leaving hearts broken, Will the pain forever prohibit – Light from uttering the unspoken, Words to reassure, Painting lives in hues of grace, Promising hope will endure, As His light reaches out to embrace. In a world where there is trouble, Beyond what we can express, Trouble that seems nearly double, What the honest heart could confess, When will I know relief – From the sadness and mourning, The darkest sort of grief, Feelings that feel like a warning? In a world where my heart is breaking, Can I ever know true peace? Sometimes, the fears are overtaking, Causing my joy to decrease. But I know One who makes me see, Despite the darkest greed, I can reach out and He will guarantee… Love that is true indeed, love so true indeed! In a world where souls are dying, And only Jesus can really save – He reminds us to just keep trying, Because there is joy beyond the grave. There is joy that comes from knowing – His love awaits us over there, Where His light and love are glowing… Because He went before us to prepare! In a world where pain has resolved To destroy our hearts and souls, Our darkest sins have been absolved, Because He brings grace and He controls… Even though there is death to meet, His love is greater still… And Jesus, with His love, will defeat… That dark enemy who intended to kill… darkness was overcome by a love so real, Love from the One to whom I kneel. He is Jesus and He has placed His seal… On every soul who believes He is REAL!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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