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You Taste Like

You taste like honey coated love And I am sweet on you, And your heavenly musk You taste like the most flavoursome Citric tangy fruit, Your the sweetest taste, ain’t that the truth You remind me of the fresh morning dew, You are the kind of taste I’d always choose You taste so wholesome, no wonder I love you, You are my health food I don’t want to be rude, But angel, believe me, I’d eat you, in an instant, And I do not have a clue What side could accompany, Such a perfect taste as you it’s true But you’re a beauty to digest, Believe me when I say you’re the best, Try to not get angry, Try not to get vexed, I am complimenting you In everything you do, You taste to me, simply way too good Succulent and tasty, You are the food of the God’s to sate me You are the perfect taste in the creating, And let me tell you this my girl I am not overstating, what is true.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 8/27/2020 3:38:00 PM
Hello Fauxcroft Wade, to me this reads lie a love poem. I enjoyed the read. Enjoy your evening my friend.
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