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You Lied To Me: Message Against Religious Fanatism

You lied to me... You lied to me when you said the church building was the safest place to run to- When you made me believe those grey headed men dwelt in the castle of wisdom too- That following every letter of the doctrine to the latter was the best way to live as a believer with little or no clue- You lied to me... You lied to my face with sweet utterances that lured me to confide in you- Sweet lies with the beauty of butterflies you send from the pulpit right before my very eyes- That hurting me with honest lies became the source of peace written in your skies- You lied to me... When you left me exposed to the harm of the world and spirits unknown by sending me out in discipline because I fell- Protected your own, but left me, a fallen soldier to be chastised and face emotional torture, neglect and a living hell- So you painted me black, as the sinner you see me, which means I count no more, so my pains and experiences I can't tell- You lied to me... That lies became the only truth I could believe in- That no longer are words from your pulpit worth believing- For every single statement you utter was more like the bullets aimed at deceiving- You lied to me... So don't make me lie to myself that you're the purest, cos I can no longer pretend- For these words are not to slander or judge. No! This, I don't intend- But I am a proof of my words so dare not ask me to defend- You lied to me... And you still lie when you call me dear, cos I know you don't even care- You lost your saltines in my life, so your sermon has no slot in my ear- For your letters, I'll tear, your voice I won't hear, cos the thought of believing you gives me fear- You lied to me... Under the covering of a minister, you hurt me over and over again- Judging me by your standards caring less about my pain- And getting humans to follow your doctrines not the creator, gets me sick and insane- You lied to me... So I pray I'll be the last soldier to ever fall- The last you'll lie to and lash your rod of discipline into when you stand in front to call- And a lesson on living by the standards of GOD OF MEN, not the MEN OF GOD to be learnt from by all- For never again will I absorb your lies like foam and water cos man........, I'm older, am stronger and standing taller. K.G Inji (Orator of Wordz)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 7/6/2022 8:20:00 PM
Thanks for sharing this. Welcome to Poetry Soup. I welcome you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The Lord's blessings be with you. (This is not a lie.)
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Date: 7/5/2022 3:28:00 AM
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Date: 7/5/2022 3:28:00 AM
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