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You Know Nothing About

Dark origin behind the dawn of life Dumb souls laugh far-off stream A chip heavy on shoulders Crash with thunder storm Generous thoughts from heaven Fall like cold dew in a pail Walk with a profound heart miles and miles away Thoughts prevail every time with no answer Often lose action with single que, how absurd? You get trapped in the same web as spiders do? Then you’re off on the wrong foot Just give a slip from yourself, long to soar up the sky And fly as high as a kite, leaving the cruel world behind Let others stroll and wade up to the shore For you desire no more pleasure The need for fresh air is all in demand Is this how necessity became the mother of all? You will hear people spin tall tale not one but many The ridiculous cock and bull story from the attic with a cry Keep your chin up and listen till the end You can’t escape from loose cannons around The world carries Hell in a hand basket Every rose has its thorn; still the flower grows on pins There will be horrid little lumps within but don't crush the bud When you know you’re barking up the wrong tree, Float down the running stream to know your rope stamp hard feet down and see you appear bold on them Carry yourself safe in the dark-dark night Bold sense of vision hidden from the bloody sight An untimely resignation is traumatic, true! But every cloud has a silver lining Stumbling blocks or stepping stones throw possibilities open It’s time to pull the plug and aim for the best of both worlds You need an eagle's sight to fight against the feeding frenzy In fact, there are no mistakes, only experiences No problems only challenges, the ultimate spring of survival One day, you will find your feet fixed on the right ground Ready to explore the beauty of new space Dare not give umpteen excuses or never justify wrong Some are irreversible! Life has been kind, sometimes harsh, but mostly fair. But think positive! Is it that simple? Do billion good thoughts mean billion actions? So many questions but answers too Now, you might doubt about fear and sorrow But not about life, love and death! Is this what we call mere symbolism of deeper reality? You know nothing about... But know that your Lord has got you where you’re now! Will be taken there in your own time and reach that extra mile, Be you and teach to learn! Count blessings no matter yours or mine! Today, I stand to be a little more aware My life is still trying to teach something that’s worth a try! You know absolutely nothing at all...!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 5/15/2017 12:37:00 AM
There are indeed so many things we know absolutely nothing about :) But at least we can write about it, questioning everything, including what we do not know! Welcome to PoetrySoup.
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Azgar  Avatar
Hussaina Azgar
Date: 5/15/2017 2:37:00 AM
Hi Darren, Thank you for the comment !

Book: Reflection on the Important Things