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You Are, Part 5

poof. I feel your color. you ignite me. you chastise me. my vulnerability is humiliating. breathing such humid air is humiliating. and poof. here you are. where you have always been. the differences. and the distances. fighting demons. sleeping in your favorite denim. morning grew dim until it was the heart of night. the deepest, truest, purest words I had ever written. I now rewrite. I must rewrite. I must confess. I must write. I'm confused. emotionally constrained. oh. The pain. but I found solace. In you. In outter space. we held hands. and floated right away. you kissed me. right away. I kissed the cosmos. existing. In your smile. I felt warm. I smiled. I feel warm. For once, I smiled. I feel at home. Right away. Well, that's how I felt. Finding forever. You gave me courage. To be free. poof. poof. Freedom. A melody. And what if I tell you. [now]. How I feel. Disappear into the morning sun. The moon is mourning the morning sun. A morning run. I crave more morning sun. I bask in your sunset. I can't watch our favorite movie. The mourning is done. I can taste your regret. I am on the run. And yet. It's morning. you move me. You stopped me. You dug. deeper. into me. You chased me. You sought me. Igniting me. And rewriting me. Changing me. And Reshaping me. Who I am. Recreating me. All that I was meant to be. and making me. Breathing. Breathing into me. You. You know. You must be beautiful. The stakes must be high. Hello. Hi. How far will these colors go. Blues. Greens. Purples. May I go with you. Cobalt blues. Sea greens. Magentas. Turquoise. Emerald. Sapphire. Poof. Poof. Move me. the differences. the distances. the places. the people. I can no longer distinguish. But I feel color, Mister...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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