You and Me
Remember the way we used to laugh and talk for hours on end?
It didn't take us very long to be the best of friends.
So exciting just to have each others company.
I miss that you and me.
Remember when we started to finish the things each other would say?
An understanding rare and deep to know someone that way.
Easily, we led each other's eyes to see.
I miss that you and me.
It sure seems like these days we have less to talk about.
I know you still love me, in my mind there is no doubt.
It just don't seem like anything's the way it used to be.
I miss that you and me.
Sometimes, getting ready for bed, you watch me brush my hair.
Pretending not to notice, I take pleasure in your stare.
Is this the night your passion reaches out to me?
I miss that you and me.
I don't believe in fairytales, so someday I expect,
the time will come in life when love just turns into respect.
Candlelight and romance just a faded memory.
I'll miss that you and me
If memories are all I have to keep me warm at night,
the ones I have are just enough to carry on my plight.
In your arms is where I truly want to be.
I miss that you and me.
I need that you and me.
The way we used to be.
-Jeannie Minor
Copyright © Jeannie Cronin | Year Posted 2015
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