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You and I

It was only you and I finally special agent Alan king reel to reel holding nothing back we loved on tap seemingly we followed our own love rules cooking pasta peppers sausages we helped with home work long bubble baths we met secretly between the innermost sound of a pin drop finding each other never ever losing ground never folding over coming challenges mastering love life on a wire without touch we resisted waiting for a time to devour true passion for a short while lasting a lifetime do you believe our love was envied an yet here we are with everlasting love bursting through all circumstances did you ever imagine one day our love would able to be with expressed without fear of disappointing non believers that are love would stay the test of time that nothing could ever come between us that god himself chose us to share this divine treasure you and I left only with the simple pleasures of life with the promise of the kingdom of heaven simply because you loved me enough to save my life you and I are indeed inseparable it’s our story it’s our time it’s our love the best of you shined through my eyes the awesome part of me illuminates through your smile that smile was broken for many years from envy plotting to destroy that smile that twinkle in your eye whenever I walked into a room I was forced to hide my smile as if it was taboo to simply love you amazing love ma said the world wasn’t ready yet for that kind of love way back then it nearly took fifty years for our love to recognised appreciated I can only say that god allowed me to see our love in a horrible time my death was sure and certain but you intercepted it you saved my life god recognise you as saving my life so shall I giving me a new perspective on life and love the simple pleasures of life compassion kindness you could have let me die 30 seconds to live just cover your eye baby I trusted you with my life and covered my eye god did the rest connecting us forever no matter what

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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