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Yo Philly

YO PHILLY Statuate Billy Penn who stands on tall And sits upon the antique City Hall To view and overlook the sky and trees There is a small metropolis to see And see our main Broad Street run both north and south Where all the lights adorn resplendent sights As in an airport runway in the night Along with staggered bistros in the north A place where philly cheesesteaks do abound Delicious Scrapple joined in with the eggs A tasty Amish food that has a flair Hot mustard and soft pretzels added in And a sweet water ice to quench your thirst To love a tasty blend of Philly fare A Sonnet about where you live Contest sponsored by Silent one

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 3/28/2017 9:30:00 AM
First, man to imagine that view from the statue's point. but more, you make me want to eat a Philly Cheese Sandwich, and hot pretzels... and take it all in. anyway, a 7+ from this country boy.
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Date: 1/31/2017 2:45:00 PM
A nice tribute to where you live. love phyl
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Sergi Avatar
Ralph Sergi
Date: 2/1/2017 7:09:00 AM
Thank you, Babe
Date: 12/29/2016 8:59:00 AM
I still have nightmares about driving an 18 wheeler around the Philly area. Mostly around Broad St and the old Vet. Paying my toll on Franklin Bridge. I also remember some one way cobblestone streets and some very unfriendly people. Philly, the city of brotherly love. Now that's funny.
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Ralph Sergi
Date: 2/1/2017 7:13:00 AM
Hi Daniel: You should have parked and had relaxed to have a beer and a philly cheesesteak. But you didn't meet me. I'm a nice guy.
Date: 12/28/2016 7:53:00 PM
Thanks, Chris: I can see that you've been to PHILLY.
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Date: 12/28/2016 5:33:00 PM
Now I'm hungry. A soft pretzel with mustard or a Geno's Cheesesteak. Yep, definitely hungry now. Nice descriptive and appetizing piece Ralph.
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