Yang's Yintegrity
Longing to be handsomely engaged
engorged by trusted
resonant Beauty
together again
and yet again
Our same embodied story
nakedly proclaimed in bold
and blameless
lack of LeftBrain
self-righteous judgment told
manipulation cold
examination old
Passion's spontaneity
sentenced by far too many words
ritualistic promises
liturgical performances.
Our same feelings
falling into passion's overwhelming river
which never flows exactly our same narrative
unfolding in/out fantasy
embodied top and bottom rhythm
mindbody patterns given
while received
All true on our best nights
of naked sex
and, perhaps, on our best days
of transparent
vulnerable communion
greeting promises of each exotic
enlightening dawn,
benedicting rewards of each erotic
co-empowering dusk
as living multi-faithful trust
returns love's global-hopeful lust.
When finding no well-rooted health communion
in our anthro-privileged community
then we may be past wealth's time
to immigrate narrowly up
and linearly on
we may find peace
just in time
to emigrate more deeply giving down
and taking in
Here co-present win/win
fulfilling mountainous longing's quivered
slow grown rivered
timeless eternity delivered
sacred shivered
co-empathic belonging
impossible to miss.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2022
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