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Wrong Turn

High school times were lived with fun and ease Other peoples opinions I didn’t care to please Found friends who accepted me for who I was Wanted to enjoy it, soak it up, it was love Class became less important, became such a bore Going to school and listening started to be a chore Intelligence and ability weren’t the problem at hand Needed a challenge, motivation, Teachers didn’t understand Getting taught the same thing, same lesson plan everyday Made the decision easy, I’ll just go a different way Basketball I still loved, it had always been my addiction My new ways were causing trouble, not my smartest transition Wasn’t making the grades needed to stay on the team There I stood watching, as it drifted away, my dream My whole life’s plan, I gave away just like that Figured quitting was the answer, now I’ll never get it back Decided on a new plan, a new worthless occupation I was self employed, getting hired? No complication Welcome to the party, I’ll be your host for the evening What ever your pleasure, just ask, it’s for the taking Which drug do you prefer, I’ll be happy to oblige Smoke some herb, do some coke, or Lucy in the Sky? Never was a dealer, just a consumer if you will Then a new addiction, one special little pill Just weekend party fun, you know, only here and there But the feeling it gave me, well nothing else could compare Soon it was a daily thing, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and such Next thing I knew, I couldn’t smile with out my crutch Still to me, all these things didn’t seem a big deal What happen to that speech, the one about how drugs kill Friends tried to warn me, things had gone too far But I couldn’t help by stick my hand, in the evil cookie jar Harmless fun turned to mayhem, actions with consequences Tragedy was lurking, hiding behind the fences Time to get out, but I tell you, it had a good hold These demons and these urges, was I strong enough to control Found a way to slow down, hop out the fast lane for a bit It was a good ride with good times, man what a trip I really thought I got lucky, no major repercussions Thought I was out of the path of total self destruction But hold on tight, this is just the start, of things I’d have to kick Darkness was upon me, but my eyes were blind, what a trick

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 11/28/2020 2:58:00 PM
Wow how you suffered bless. an excellent emotional write.well done. Pete.
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Jones Avatar
Jessie Jones
Date: 11/28/2020 4:41:00 PM
Thank you so much
Date: 11/21/2020 4:30:00 AM
You have been through a lot, but sometimes that is due to the people around us and what we have suffered in our lives.. but I am glad you made it through... stay strong.. Great write.
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Jessie Jones
Date: 11/21/2020 8:05:00 AM
Thank you so much <3

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry