Writing's a Drag
The Drag of Writing
A smidgeon of silly,
a scintilla of sad,
a wee gong of rhyming wit,
a sentence to start me
a participle dangling
a lead to bring me to it,
a last ditch lurch to my
personal God, who says
“this is not worthy of prayer”
six single words is all I need
for my fingers to fly with a flourish,
a little ole ‘v’ to victory,
parse me up
and parse me down
I’ll carelessly click the keys,
till I alphabetically ache
and a roll of the dice
brings a poem for the centuries
Is that how THEY did it
Longfellow and Poe?
I’m not so sure they were so slow.
©Kathryn McLoughlin Collins
May 28, 2013
Copyright © Kathryn Collins | Year Posted 2013
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