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Wounded Sigh

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For Edward Ibeh's This or That Volume 24 Poetry Contest

In sepia foliage's of falsified fantasies, cursed by haunting hornets stinging with honeyed painted lies, her mind was like a matriarch of metaphors. An inflorescent seed buried in darkness, with a somnolent spirit rustling in onyx nostalgia. Too afraid to spread her fragile feathers, she lay upon a bed of black rose petals, veiled underneath dark raven phases, hidden behind the silence of lunar secrets, Her soul slept like grieving ghosts of galactic graves, repeatedly releasing wounded sighs. Not all florets flourish with the mercy of rainwater, only nourishing hands can create an aesthetic pastel carnival of confetti, like lilac lavender snowflakes of smoky love. Some spicy spirits are like the marigold locket of liquid, glowing like turmeric hues in tamarind tinted skies of oblivion, clearing diaphanous dewdrops of a grainy hourglass, spreading vintage violet wishes in bluish epiphany skies, disintegrating a montage burnt to nefarious ashes, raising amaranth pink petals of heartfelt empathy. There is a magic in midnight reigns, as dawn retreats, dusk births a saviour knight, altering twilight's twinkling tunnel of kismet stars perfumed with sins. Moonlight spreads a subtle silk scent when fears fall like cosmic dust, soothing a scarred moon soul and stars in slumber. Not all flowers need a gardener to grow, but all seedsmen sow to bloom an ivory aurora, through the obscurity of ebony eyes. Sometimes, its the simple touch of fingertips, that lays the perfect foundations, for a sunflower to embellish in gold.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 4/8/2024 5:51:00 PM
Congratulations dear Silent One.
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Date: 4/8/2024 5:41:00 PM
Stunning, exquisite write, SO. I never expect anything less than a masterpiece from you, and this one is, without a doubt. Heartiest congratulations on your top win in my contest!
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Date: 4/3/2024 2:51:00 AM
Magnificent Silent one, loved it all and that last stanza moved me, truly… Beryl
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Date: 3/31/2024 6:10:00 PM
SO, the transition to what could ultimately heal the wounds is breathtaking and wonderful. Your poems ebb and flow with beauty and are a great pleasure to read.
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Date: 3/31/2024 2:48:00 PM
Love the alliteration and all! Fave!
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Date: 3/31/2024 12:39:00 PM
Your talent as an artist and your capacity to conjure strong mental images are on full display in your poems, my dear friend. Your train of reasoning enthralled me, and I reached the satisfying conclusion: a sunflower may be adorned with threads of pure gold with the delicate touch of a hand.
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Date: 3/31/2024 6:08:00 AM
Adorned in splendid poetic diction and voice of metaphors--your poem paints the essence of your theme, my friend. Much enjoyed the journey through your words to a perfect ending: Sometimes, its the simple touch of fingertips, that lays the perfect foundations, for a sunflower to embellish in gold.
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Date: 3/31/2024 6:07:00 AM
Not all flowers need a gardener to grow, very true, but some flowers thrive in the heat of the gardeners selfless love, I absolutely love this, how sometimes laying the perfect foundation for one means, just simple touch of their fingertips, a little push maybe that allows flowers to sprout in gold and honey. I love the depth of your metaphors here, and how Youv described and painted imagery as tamarind tinted skies and diaphanous dew drops, such clever word pairing and alliterations as always,
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Ink Empress
Date: 3/31/2024 6:10:00 AM
I really felt the lines “ An inflorescent seed buried in darkness, with a somnolent spirit rustling in onyx nostalgia. Too afraid to spread her fragile feathers,” awwn only few can see the beauty amidst onyx nostalgia and fears that veil them, and those that see beyond and guide them are special! And worth celebrating! I know someone like this too ..: beautiful and kind! And giving! I also felt “ Some spicy spirits are like the marigold locket of liquid, glowing like turmeric hues” so beautiful the way you phrase emotions to do storytelling in such an impeccable manner! This is one of my fave poems ever frm you

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