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World Without Women Www

Have you ever imagined the world we live without women? It is like a lung without some oxygen, agonizing and inevitably dead, A face never with a smile, boring and unfriendly. A cup of tea without some grains of sugar, bitter and foul, A pool without some water, dry and empty, A good ride on a bad untilled road, rough and uninteresting, The earth without some drops of rain, an inescapable famine, But how come with the great number of women on planet earth? We still live to cry as a reggae legend sang “no woman no cry”, It is because they permit evil as much as they permit good, Gullible and instrumental in the hand of the wicked ones, Ugly and nice, beautiful and dangerous, Cunning like serpents, deceitful like chameleon, Holy but liars, having a form of godliness but highly ungodly, Lovely like little puppies, sweet like bees honey, Women, an invincible force in our our world today. (c) 2010

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 4/12/2012 4:00:00 PM
While men rule the world, where the heck did that come from? Just kidding, I really like this!
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Date: 8/25/2011 6:10:00 PM
Wow! you have said so much in this poem. You really feel a bitterness, you're loverlorn. But the truth you should know is that your happiness is not buried with a woman, never reason that or else you just might remain broken hearted. God forbid! I wish you all good things in life, Akinwade. With time you'd find some one who shall be constant in your life, whose face shall radiate goodness for you, goodluck.
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Joshua Akinwande
Date: 8/26/2011 7:37:00 AM
Hey Ingibo, nice point you made here. Thank you. Just want to correct something, most poem of my articles are not necessarily my direct experiences presented in poetic format, except for those dedicated to friends. As I told you, I'm a fundamental scientist. I got most inspiration from observation of things around me. Thank you again Ingibo.
Date: 8/21/2011 5:41:00 PM
Well said Joshua!!!! Thanks for Sharing....smiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Joshua Akinwande
Date: 8/21/2011 6:23:00 PM
thank you...

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