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World of Clowns

There's no reasonable explanation To how this all went down When the world woke up one morning All made up as clowns Not a single person in the world Did this phenomenon not claim With big red buttons on their chests Spelling out new funny names There was Patches and Petunia Floppy and Cupcake Winky and Bumper the Clown Were just a few that they displayed Everyone went about their business Only now they all carpooled You could see clowns piling out of cars everywhere From businesses to stores to schools Crime it did die down Because all the guns that people have Instead of shooting bullets Shoot out brightly colored Big Bang Flags Of course the circus lost its glamour With an audience made up of clowns It's hard to tell who's there enjoying And who's entertaining all the crowds People stopped taking each other seriously Over anything they had to say Pointing at each other and laughing As they go about their day Who knew a thing like this would happen When the world went to bed last night That the very next morning They'd wake up clowns for life Oh, I almost forgot the Politicians Were the only ones to stay the same It's already a simple known fact When your a clown you don't need to change

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 7/28/2016 11:21:00 AM
a truism i want to reflect on... in the end, who is really the clown?..this is a gem of a piece, mike..huggs
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Date: 7/28/2016 10:55:00 AM
How true!!! Great humor Mike. Loved the funny read.
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Date: 7/28/2016 10:28:00 AM
Hilarious ending! You always tickle the funny bone!
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Date: 7/28/2016 8:18:00 AM
Once again you tickled my funny bone with another awesome poem Mike!:)
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Date: 7/28/2016 6:57:00 AM
Ha ha, nice morning read and thanks for the laugh.
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