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Wonders We Can Do

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"The wonders we could do if we would choose Love over hate;
We'd bring peace among humans and great cause to celebrate!"
~ Artsieladie Quote ♥

Wonders We Can Do by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly

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We all have the power to, for someone else be there. We all can make a difference and show that we care. We often think this takes money and/or something big, But a tree becomes a tree from just a little twig. Perhaps, another soul is having a bad day. Perhaps, another soul is sad, lost in dismay. Perhaps, another soul has reason to be stressed, Perhaps, feeling hopeless making them depressed. The point is, we all have times when we could use some lifting, We all feel from time to time somewhat lost and drifting. But when we are given an encouraging word or two, A smile and some kindness, our spirits are made anew. Instead of thinking big, think instead of small. If we each give a little, together we'd give all, All that would be needed to make a happy place In each and every heart, seen on every face. Accumulated Love, accumulated kindness, Hearts would be cured and without blindness; Blindness to compassion, to caring, and to giving, All Components of Love for the joyful way of living. When we have the chance to for that someone be, We should take advantage of the opportunity, With a taste of Love, make a day a little more sweet, Give a pleasant smile to those whom we meet. When we warm another's heart, bring them a little cheer, Whether they are far away from us or if they are near, We're spreading around Love, the arch enemy of hate; God's Divine Gift, we defend, send, and propagate. To make someone's day better, a little more bright Cost us nothing yet, inside of us feels good and right. When we make another feel better, we feel better, too, And if we all pass it forward, the Wonders We Can Do. Written by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ©2016-09-07 04:07:00 (EST) All rights reserved.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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