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Wonder Woman

She is a bread winner, who takes care of her family, is it any wonder, she still has her sanity, she takes any new job like a duck to water, she is more than likely your wife, Mom or daughter, working full time 40 hours plus each and every week, afterwards doing the chores, the house, tidies up and keeps, goes grocery shopping to keep the cupboards full, pays the bills on time, worries about the emptying till, will not borrow from Paul to pay her Peter, is stubborn in that regard, as she steps up or down her monetary ladder, at times feels like atlas, carrying all the weight, you can tell by looking at her she has got a lot on her plate, thats why she looks forward so much to the weekends, like going on a retreat, she gets a much needed vacation, unfortunately her weekends abruptly come to an end, and by the time she spins around, has to start all over again.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 8/17/2016 1:35:00 AM
Great poem just sounded like me I feel like this woman I have had a very hard life with four children x great poem x
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Hoffman Avatar
Cheryl Hoffman
Date: 8/17/2016 8:30:00 AM
This poem is a tribute to women like you Wendy! God Bless!:)
Date: 8/6/2016 8:50:00 PM
I like "Wonder Woman", Cheryl. So true...
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Cheryl Hoffman
Date: 8/6/2016 9:22:00 PM
Thanks for your visit and comment Carole!:)

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