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Witnessing Earth's Wedding

We richly green mountains of germinating Jeremiah prophetic strength Before we formed you in our valleyed womb, we knew you Before you came to life rebirthed we consecrated your humane species We witness your polycultured prophecy to Earth's linguistic continents We transubstantiate and thereby bless this sacred grace taking late summer's place in cooperative ecofeminist space Beyond merely humane reflections back upon our ancient organic roots and verdant face Resisting degreening States of monocultural disgrace, Restoring humane humility before and after our primal longing for deeply resonant resilient co-gravitation Stronging for a safe and healthy Holy Pinnacled panentheistic race toward our more therapeutic rivered valleys Away from terrifying mountainous overwhelming disenchanted layered stacks of inhumane trauma, undivine disgrace. We witness this polyculturing faith in lucid limned Lucian integrity undisplaced Harboring this grass mowed meadow in-between luminous latticed fertile mountains interpenetrating sensory valleys flowing out down deep root systems, family networks, Earthly primal grace Longing to complete what Father Sun's enlightenment celebrates Witnessing MotherEartha's richly responsible respect uneffaced ConCelebrating Earth's matrimonial majesty co-habitating late summer's holy co-empathic witness of eternal sacramental weddings Formed in mountainous wombs passionately repurposed played and danced sung through spoken words wedding webbed time unreplaced in this most sacred witness space.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 9/7/2022 7:38:00 AM
I am humbled by your eloquence.
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