Alone I entered chaos, don’t shoot, a mother screamed.
All I knew as I responded, was a knife, and blood had streamed.
My senses they deceived me, as his words resembled truth.
As I clicked one cuff onto his wrist, he lunged in agile youth.
That blade, I won’t forget it, large and black with handle laced.
I never let him go, until he spun, now face to face.
I shoved him to gain distance and reached down for my gun.
I felt a firm grip on my wrist, I thought it was his mom.
I lost track of your hero, tunnel vision to the max.
Had I pulled the trigger, your hero was kneeling in my path.
I never knew I left him there, if I did, I would have stayed.
I knew I’d have to put him down, with the actions he displayed.
He fled before I had to, I thank God each night he did.
Not sure how I’d have lived with it, if he cut your hero’s neck, instead of his.
I believe that others witnessed this and yet remained unseen.
It’s the only way I can explain, the events within this dream.
Not only did they stop me, from shooting your hero in the back,
they convinced that man your hero, was the one who would not be attacked.
Both our guardian angels teamed up in there that day.
They chased him through that back door and brought us all your way.
I never saw the footage, until months had passed me by.
I don’t fault you at all for thinking, that I left your friend to die.
In my mind, I was at the corner and not the entrance to your store.
I thought I was only 6 feet back, as he ran past, out the door.
I thought I put my taser back and took back out my gun.
I thought it was just a split second, but time was moving at a run.
I never saw your hero, past the moment I knelt to cuff.
I had no clue I ran him down, that video, it was rough.
Looking back there is no way, that more could have hit that fan.
I trust that god’s not done with us, we’re still part of his plan.
Copyright © Jeremy Snyder | Year Posted 2020
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