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Witness To Evolution

I would help man evolve toward God’s Dreams for this life And not strive just for mites (some ascribe to have worth?) (In God’s Will) let us humbly trust Grace is God’s Gift To a sinner who can’t save himself, find our pride In Christ’s death on the cross! True Grace lived in God’s soul Long before time began, the Big Bang, Word made flesh Voiced first verse, praised in song, watched creation evolve! Life emerged from the soup of our trembling sea womb. Is it ‘faith’ we possess that won’t question itself? (Though no man groks God’s Glory and lives! Tells the tale!) I don’t need you to love me, to make me a wife (‘Joined at hip’ as they say) but to honor the earth We all share. Those who go it alone float adrift, Lost in space they inhabit, perhaps can’t abide Thoughts that they might be wrong, the Samaritan’s goal To let faith be what saves. Let’s consider afresh Acts that give some hearts pause (give death’s tomb Too much deference!) Clearly, in life, there’s a gulf. But to have-nots (not haves) truth appears a white whale! Does your vanity whisper God’s mind’s His affair?) Once though Hydrogen gas was the engine of choice As first stars formed, ignited, aged, burned up this gas The next elements blossomed, as if from desire. Gravitation evolved, too (as change prospered change). Soon the ash of spent suns also found a new place. Star’s waste now we call planets, these ‘wandering ones’ Are seen drifting ‘cross fixed stars, while orbiting theirs. While the whole mess disperses, increased speed at bounds. Once the oceans held life (with the landmasses bare) Till some finned folk moved shoreward. God gave them a voice As to where they might live? Or survival ‘takes brass?’ (The first landlubbers won edge in what would transpire.) Was one dino egg saved on earth’s omelet range? Or did Adam and Eve then evolve to lose face? You think Noah’s son’s wives loved the ark tons and tons When their families drowned? Did God’s son praise soft chairs? Let me pray to stay humble while making my rounds! Long Tooth April 19th in 2020

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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