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Without Interruption

"You really shouldn't park your white horses next to my Subaru." "Rain? Rain? Are you listening?" She picked her sleepy head off the teller's desk, Her hair cascading over her cheeks. "I was somewhere far away," she spoke from the bardo. "I don't know. I don't know. And yet I know all I need to know." "Move your horses. Take a lunch break. Get a grip," Said the lady who smelled like cake and wore pineapple earrings. "Why do you eat so much cake in the morning?" Rain belted across the bank lobby. "Can you even hear the rain outside, through all that icing inside?" Her face flushed crimson between her dangling pineapples. "Like I said," Rain continued, "I was far away, in a lost village, Speaking to the descendants of my horses, Salient and Wonder. "Can you hear me, pineapple lady? Can you hear this Rain?" "Grab your horses and get out of here," the lady who adored cake shouted. Rain lifted herself off her seat like a rising moon, and glided over the marble floor Like the angel ghost of finance, mesmerized and mesmerizing. Passing by she whispered to the tiny pineapple that clung the the fleshy ear, "I was never in here. I am quite far from here." With that Rain went outside and walked her horses to the meadow behind the parking lot to reconvene with lost villages Without interruption.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 12/23/2010 1:17:00 PM
You took this whole contest into a different direction with this clever and witty poem, Matt!! Great imagination is at work!!! A fun read ! Good luck !! :)
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Date: 12/23/2010 12:45:00 PM
how whimsical, good luck in the contest with this cute piece
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry