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Without Apology

She unleashed them easily, dropping them onto their noses, as they fell off her coattails as easily as spiders are shaken off a slippery web “Bye!” she said, pretending it was not “Forever bye” which it was, although they usually did not catch on until years later. She had her ways, desires, and attitudes.A Persnickety about them, she did not hesitate to release Those who disagreed, annoyed, or irritated. Relatives were not sacred, they were discarded as well. Without apology she would block them, unfriend them, and forget them. Opinionated and self-satisfied, she knew What kind of people fed her soul. She collected the dreamers, lovers, and laughers. Surrounding herself with ideals and ideas Rather than gossip mongers and rumor-spouters. Without an apology, she created a new family And her ultimate satisfying happily forever after life.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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